Matador TS

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Matador TS
Matador TS Turret  S 
Type Turret
Tech Level 9
Damage 18
Loading Speed 200ms
Damage per second 90.00
Range 6600m
Speed 8000km/h
Automatic No
Handling 130
Known Price Range 466.548$ (Suteo)
485,350$ (Wolf-Reiser)

In-Game Description

After the market launch of the auto-turret, the manufacturers of manual turrets had to increase the firepower of their products drastically in order to stay in business. In this regard, the Matador TS is absolutely state-of-the-art. Any pilot who prefers to fire his guns by hand will surely appreciate this powerful weapon.


The Matador TS is available only with the Supernova add-on, and is then the most powerful turret in the game. It has a range of 6.6 kilometers, a high firing rate, good mobility, and 90 damage per second, making it the one of two non-nuclear weapons with this range of DPS, the other being the M6 A4 "Raccoon".

This turret is excellent for trading missions with the Rhino. The damage dealt by this turret is good enough to handle intense firefights with only moderate difficulty. It is also good when used on the Darkzov to conserve missiles - the 6.6 kilometer range is outside of the tracking distance of enemy ships.


  • The Matador TS seems to be produced by Midorians since Bargand Surr is heard saying in Supernova "Our newest turret".
    • However, its color scheme hints that it is made, or used by Terran Federation, and was sent to the Mido Confederation as part of an aid package, which is reasonable, given Bargand Surr expresses concern regarding hostile stealth fighters. It is interesting to note that Midorians are not observed using these turrets and none of their ships could mount one, nor are they used by the Terrans aiding them.
    • As with most DLC items not critical to story, the Matador TS can be potentially found anywhere with the DLC purchased.
  • "Matador" quite literally means "Bullfighter", while the TS part could be an acronym for "Turret System", given it does possess multiple guns and appears to be highly sophisticated in design.
  • Projectiles on the SD version appear yellow but on HD and Full HD they are red and rounder in shape.
  • The Matador TS somewhat resembles real-life anti-aircraft guns with quad barrels, it’s design might be inspired by the 40mm Bofors Autocannon.
  • Its projectiles looks similar to those from Ridil Blasters in the HD and Full HD version.
  • Sometimes the turret can fire faster or slower than it is supposed to, this can be noticed by different firing sound frequencies and is possibly a bug.
