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Weapon g-liissk 250.png
Type Rocket
Tech Level 1
Damage 60
Loading speed 1200ms
Range 1000m
Speed 3000km/h
Known Price Range -> 19$ (Magnetar)
-> 23$ (Ni'mrrod)

In-Game Description

Missiles are not very common among the Vossk, although some have been developed for sale to other races, including the unguided G'liissk. The price is almost on a par with a Golden Octopod Cocktail, so it is worth careful consideration before going out drinking if the money would be better spent on a compliment of G'liissk missiles.


  • This is the cheapest rocket on the market.
  • It is one of the two Vossk rockets available, the other being the S'koonn.
  • This rocket has the weakest damage of all rockets.
  • It is usually found in loot.
