Bargand Surr

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I can only hope that a Midorian future is not shattered by a trial of fire.
–Bargand Surr to Brent after the Supernova's expansion into some neighboring systems
Bargand Surr
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Bargand Surr
Gender Male
Race Nivelian
Faction Midorian
Status Alive
Era GOF2


As leader of a splitter group of freedom fighters, Bargand Surr went down in history as one of the key figures in the military coup that lead to the separation of the newly founded Midorian Confederation from the Nivelian Republic. In his new role as commander of a border-area Mido station he now oversees the evacuation missions and takes care of the refugees. Though he’s originally of Nivelian blood, he never really conformed to the conservative lifestyle and crusted traditions of his former compatriots.


  • Given his role, Bargand Surr is likely the de facto leader of his current faction.
  • He is often impersonated by Hongar Meton, a Most Wanted criminal.