M6 A2 "Cougar"

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M6 A2 "Cougar"
Weapon m6 a2 cougar 250.png
M6 A2 "Cougar" Beam Laser
Type Laser
Tech Level 8
Damage 34
Loading speed 1400ms
Damage per second 24.28
Range 3600m
Known Price Range -> 40,024$ (V'ikka)
-> 46,160$ (Ni'mrrod)
Loma Price 46,199$

In-Game Description

Beam weapons are the sniper rifles of the cannon world. To use a beam weapon effectively, you must aim carefully. Their rate of fire is low, but the damage they inflict is enormous!


The M6 A2 "Cougar" is the successor of the M6 A1 "Wolf" and the predecessor of the M6 A3 "Wolverine".
