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Fireworks 250.png
Fireworks Missile
Type Nuke
Tech level 1
Damage 1
Loading speed 8000ms
Range 6600m
Speed 3000km/h
Magnitude 10000m
Steerable No
Price 21000$-22840$
Loma Price 21000$

In-Game Description

A fireworks missile.


It is only available after all Gold and Supernova Medals are obtained. 

Each missile does minuscule damage, though Keith T. Maxwell's portrait surrounded by a heart appears when a Fireworks missile detonates.


  • In the Android Version, you can obtain a ton of money if you sell the Fireworks by auto-completing the Chromo Plasma and having at least 10t or more Explosives.
  • Fireworks are the most expensive Secondary Weapon in the GOF2 universe, selling for more than 20,000 credits when sold. Surprisingly, a Fireworks missile sells for 21,000 credits in Loma, but in other systems (e.g Aquila, Pan, etc.), the missile sells for more than 22,000 credits.
  • This weapon technically behaves like a nuke with miniscule damage.
    • It is also the only nuke to never have any AMR association. (Liberator was their product during development stages but eventually branched off as it's own)

