Berger FlaK 9-9

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Berger FlaK 9-9
Berger FlaK 9-9 Gun
Type Scatter gun
Tech Level 7
Damage 19
Loading speed 750ms
Damage per second 25.33
Range 3600m
Speed 6250km/h
Magnitude 2200m
Price Range ->$112,191 Beidan
->$135,058 Pan
Loma Price $136,605

In-Game Description

Having already demonstrated its competitiveness in the laser industry, the Berger company has now developed a FlaK weapon superior to the Nirai model, thereby harking back to their milleniums-old family tradition. The name of this weapon is a tribute to the excellent craftsmanship of the Berger ancestors.


The Berger FlaK 9-9 is one of the most powerful scatterguns in Easy mode. Due to the high damage per shot, using Nirai Overcharge is a great idea to boost damage as the fire rate is already slow.


  • The "FlaK" in the scattergun's name is an abbreviation for the German "Fliegerabwehrkanone", which translates to "anti aircraft gun" in English.
    • In this game, all scatter guns operate like AA Guns due to their proximity-fused ammunition.
  • 3 copies of this weapon was equipped in the prototype K'Suukk when Keith stole it.
