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Sh'koom Laser Gun
Type Laser
Tech Level 6
Damage 10
Loading speed 600ms
Damage per second 16.66
Range 2700m
Speed 5000km/h
Known Price Range -> 12,743$ (Magnetar)
-> 14,195$ (K'ontrr)
Loma Price 14,434$

In-Game Description

The overhauled successor to the V'skorr can deliver more damage even though it also has an increased speed and only a minimally decreased rate of fire.


The Sh'koom is a Vossk laser weapon, and is mounted on all Vossk ships in GOF2.


The V'skorr's description says that it is the standard laser weapon of the Vossk Empire, but all H'Soc fighters use the Sh'koom, indicated by it's sound when firing, so it is technically not the standard weapon.
