Mamba EMP

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Mamba EMP
Weapon mamba emp 250.png
Mamba EMP Missile
Type Missile
Tech Level 7
Damage 0
EMP damage 100
Loading speed 3000ms
Range 10400m
Speed 3750km/h
Price Range -> 88$ (Magnetar)
-> 102$ (Pescal Inartu)

In-Game Description

A guided missile, which only attacks the electronics of its target. Just before impact, the missile creates an inverse thrust that prevents any direct contact or physical damage to the hull of the target ship before detonating its EMP.



  • As stated in the description, it does not deal any damage to the ship itself when it hits its target.
  • It is the only EMP missile to not deal any damage at all.
  • As seen on the icon, it has some sort of Russian inscriptions on the side of the missile, which is impossible to make out what it is, but it does appear to have he number “3” on it.