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N'saan Blaster
Type Blaster
Tech Level 1
Damage 8
Loading speed 600ms
Damage per second 13.33
Range 1400m
Speed 3500km/h
Known Price Range -> 10,063$ (K'ontrr)
-> 12,894$ (Nesla)
Loma Price 13,208$

N'saan is a weapon in Galaxy on Fire 2.

In-Game Description

N'saan in Vossk means, "little stab" and is a garden variety blaster weapon.


  • It is required as a blueprint component for the H'nookk.
  • The N'saan blaster is the predecessor of the K'booskk blaster.
  • It is the lowest level blaster.
  • It can be found on most Vossk stations.
