Jet Rocket

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Jet Rocket
Weapon jet rocket 250.png
Jet Rocket
Type Rocket
Tech Level 3
Damage 70
Loading speed 900ms
Range 1100m
Speed 3500km/h
Known Price Range -> 29$ (Magnetar)
-> 33$ (Ni'mrrod)

The Jet Rocket is a secondary weapon in Galaxy on Fire 2.

In-Game Description

Missiles, which have no guidance system, are better used at close range. The jet version is cheap and powerful and always worth having on-board for emergencies.


  • It is a good idea to stock up on these rockets often in early game because of the decent amount of damage for a low price. However, in late game, the rockets do little to no damage.
  • The nose of the Jet Rocket resembles a jet intake, which is ironic, considering it can't function int he vacumn of space.


  • This weapon is the second cheapest rocket on the market.
  • This is a basic rocket, which is reflected in the price.
