Nirai Impulse EX 1

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Nirai Impulse EX 1
Nirai Impulse EX 1 Laser
Type Laser
Tech level 1
Damage 3
Loading speed 400ms
Damage per second 7.50
Range 2700m
Speed 5000km/h
Known Price Range -> 1,907$ (Buntta)
-> 2,500$ (Wolf-Reiser)
Loma Price 2,500$

In-Game Description

The Nirai company once specialized in low cost, mass-market productions. Unfortunately, there was an incident in which an entire batch of Laser FX series exploded simultaneously in various locations around the galaxy, due to a date error in the on-board computer software. After the hasty closure of all the Nirai factories in Festus and Dima, no new weapons were manufactured. The lasers of the EX series are a living relic.


  • The date error referred to in the description, is a reference to the Y2K bug.
  • This is the only weapon Terrans use.
  • You start with this when you first go into Var Hastra's hanger, along with a Micro Gun MK I.
