Vossk Empire

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Vossk Empire
The Vossk Empire's emblem
Government Type Autocracy
Enemies Terran Federation, Voids
Allies Pirates (formerly)
A typical Vossk station
Vossk Hangar
Vossk Empire's flagship fighter, the H'Soc

The Vossk Empire is one of the four factions in Galaxy on Fire 2. Its population is assumed to be mostly Vossk. The Vossk have the tendency to put apostrophes in the names of stations and ships.

Station Design

Vossk stations, similar to their ships, are mostly green and black and sleek in design. They usually look like giant mushrooms with a large "cap" on top and cone below it with four "legs" sticking out. There seem to be two levels on docking zones, larger one on top and smaller one on bottom. It appears to be the only faction with nonvarying stations. Interestingly, all Vossk stations look the same, unlike the other 3 factions, which have a variety of station designs.


Ships of Vossk manufacture tend to have stronger armor than most other ships, but at the cost of only average weaponry and decreased manuverability. Vossk ships tend to be more insectoid/crustacean-like in appearance. For example, the N'tirrk looks like the abdomen of a katydid. Vossk ships always have a green and black color scheme.

The Vossk are suspicious of other species, and thus restrict the sale of Vossk-manufactured weapons, ships, and equipment to other races. At first, the only Vossk ship pilotable by other species was their standard fighter, the H'Soc. In the Valkyrie add-on, the Vossk expanded their range of ships to outsiders to include the heavy fighter, the K'Suukk , and the "ultimate" ship, the S'Kanarr. The Supernova update added in the N'Tirrk, and is available to all players, regardless of any add-ons purchased. When players purchase the Supernova add-on, the Na'srrk is also available for purchase.


Initially, the Vossk were divided into various clans and lacked a single governing body. However, at one point during the Vossk's history, the Vossk encountered alien species and decided on the need to unite their species. Afterward, the Vossk Empire was founded at the behest of a single Vossk emperor. In the 36th century, the Vossk Empire fought a war with the Terran Federation which became known as the Terran-Vossk War. The war was a result of Terran expansionism and conflicting ideologies between the Vossk and Terrans. The war was eventually setteled, though the outcome is not yet known. Even in the 37th century, violent conflicts arose whenever Vossk fleets meet with Terran fleets.

During the Void Threat, the Terrans and Vossk made an uneasy truce to defeat the Voids. The Vossk supplied a K'Sarr freighter to transport the explosives needed to obliterate the Void Mothership. It was piloted by Erkkt Uggut, a veteran Vossk pilot, and escorted by Keith T. Maxwell, a Terran mercenary working for Deep Science. Thanks to their combined efforts, the bomb destroys the Void Station, ending the threat for good, although Commander Uggut was killed. Subsequently, the Vossk Empire credit Uggut as their sole hero for defeating the Voids.

During the colonization of the Shroud Nebula, the Vossk sent some of their commanders to colonize it.

When the Neox Sector was discovered, the Vossk colonized it in order to plunder its natural resources, as its demand for resources was always high due to constant wars. At first, their fleets were spread thin across the Neox, but they were able to defend the territories they had fiercely. When their colonies and outposts were secured, the Vossk sent in reinforcements.

During the Shattering, a huge portion of the Vossk fleet in Neox was destroyed, with many government officals being killed in the explosion.

Politics Situation

The Vossk Empire's main adversary is the Terran Federation, whose ideologies and expansionism they despise. The Vossk also share an uneasy history with the Nivelians, a former ally of the Terrans. At one point the Vossks allied with Pirates during the Terran-Vossk War

Vossk Technology





  • Vossk Security forces will pilot exclusively the H'Soc in the base game, as well as the K'Suukk and S'Kanarr with the Valkyrie DLC. However, their ships do not emit flames from the engines, unlike player-controlled ones.
  • Titanium can only be found in deep Vossk territory, just like Red Plasma. This would probably explain why the Vossk Empire has reliable access to potent armor technology.
  • The Vossk tend to add apostrophes when naming items.
  • The Vossk Empire are the only faction to restrict their sales of weapons and equipment to other races, which are often smuggled out by others. However, Maxwell is able to purchase Vossk equipment unhindered, despite being a Terran.
  • The H'nookk blaster is the only craft-able Vossk weapon.
  • Most Vossk names in the game are hard to pronounce and sometimes the letters ahead of the apostrophe can be silent. H'Soc, K'Suukk and S'Kanarr are mentioned by characters, in which you can find the pronunciation of their names.

Soundtrack Links

See Also
