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Armor 170
Cargo hold 95
Primary weapons 3
Secondary weapons 2
Turrets 1
Equipment 8
Handling 125
Price 684,300$
Price (Android) 465,200$

In-Game Description

A dangerous pirate assault ship. It has heavy weapons, space for a gun turret and a lot of open module bays, making this ship a serious threat to all travelers.

Upgraded Stats

Upgrade Upg.
Cost w/
VIP Card
Armor 210 136,860 273,720
Handling 145 136,860 273,720
Equipment 9 273,720 547,440
Cargo 125 205,290 410,580

 K  Upgrades are only available at the Kaamo station lounge.


The Velasco is a late-game ship equipped with a turret, however, the turret pod is hidden until the player adds a turret to their ship. It has a good complement of weapons, as well as a decent number of equipment slots. The Velasco is a unique ship. It can't be classified as an ultimate ship, and yet has very high performance, especially with the right equipment. It is only lacking in Secondary Weapons and Equipment slots, but otherwise, the Velasco is a solid competitor to the Veteran for a far cheaper price. The Velasco may not be the most powerful ship on the market, but it is definitely a powerful enough ship to finish the base game. It's a really good ship for people that want to own a all-round, average priced ship. It also contains a turret slot, which makes it even more useful. It can last until mid to late Valkyrie, and then is outclassed by ships like the Veteran and the Mantis. 


  • The Velasco was a cruiser in the Spanish Navy that was in the battle of Manila bay in the Spanish-American war. Velasco-class cruisers were unprotected cruisers and only 8 were made.
  • It appears to have 3 tri-barrel miniguns, each of which appear to be a pre-installed 128MJ Railgun.
  • In the Valkyrie add-on, when Alice asks Keith to pilot a S'Kannar to test the automatic turret, the escort is a group of Velascos.
  • It's appearance heavily resembles an A-10 Warthog without tail wings, the gatling gun under the nose can represent the GAU-8 Avenger.