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Armor 180
Cargo hold 45
Primary weapons 2
Secondary weapons 4
Turrets 0
Equipment 10
Handling 120
Price 2,128,100$

In-Game Description

A popular, customizable Nivelian ship, the Kinzer is equipped with the latest technology and can be personalized with a variety of modules.

Upgraded Stats

Upgrade Upg.
Cost w/
VIP Card
Armor 220 425,620 851,240
Handling 140 425,620 851,240
Equipment 11 851,240 1,702,480
Cargo 75 638,430 1,276,860

 K  Upgrades are only available at the Kaamo station lounge


The Kinzer is meant to be used as a support ship. Everything about the Kinzer is fairly standard - Average handling, armor, Primary weapons, and a small cargo hold. However, where it really shines is in the Secondary weapons and Equipment. With 4 secondary weapon slots, the Kinzer can be a deadly threat with mounted Nukes to devastate enemies in a large area, Missiles to take out opponents from huge ranges, and Mines to destroy any ships that get too close. Not the best at brute-force combat, but able to be equipped with an entire arsenal of destructive Secondary weapons.


  • The Kinzer's original design in the Java game was used as the basis for the Aegir in the iOS version.
  • The Kinzer is the Nivelian's heavy rocket ship.
    • This is evident as it has the capabilities of 4 secondaries.
  • The Kinzer RS is a modified version of this ship. It's only sold at the Kaamo Club.
  • The kinzer has an extra thruster compared to the Kinzer RS.
  • The Kinzer is used as Nivelian advanced interceptor in Galaxy on Fire: Alliances
