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The system of Loma
Faction: Midorian (Contolled by Pirates)
Planets: Var Destro, Quineros, Sao Perula
Tech Level of Planets: All Tech Level 10
Jumpgate: Var Destro


Loma is a system introduced in the Valkyrie Add-on. Although marked as Midorian territory, it is operated by pirates, who use Loma's three planets for their black-market transactions.

Contrary to their normal routine, the Loma pirates do not attack on sight, but offer free passage through the system, if one is willing to pay over a certain percentage of the value of all goods in the ship's cargo hold. The ceasefire bought with this bribe applies to all three Loma planets and is valid until one leaves the system.

If one refuses to pay or does not have enough Credits to meet the pirate's demands, all pirates in orbit turn hostile and attack. During the fight, the units already in orbit are reinforced two or three times by pirates from other parts of the Loma system, so that all in all, the daring (or destitute) pilot has to deal with about 20 angry outlaws. If those are overpowered or one simply dashes through to the station, one can still land and trade on the stations without negative consequences.

It is well worth the time (or money) though, because prices on Loma's stations are higher than anywhere else, both for selling and buying goods and equipment. Loma is therefore the ideal spot to sell high-priced items at a big profit, but also to look for rare (while expensive) merchandise like Buskat.


  • Var Destro - Sells mainly Primary and Secondary weapons.
  • Quineros - Sells mainly Ships and Equipment.
  • Sao Perula - Sells mainly Commodities.


  • The reputation mechanic does not apply to Loma as the Pirates do not demand an additional bribe while docking.
  • The Pirates in this system are different from usual Pirates, if you shoot at any of the ships, regardless of the amount of damage, all Pirates in the system will become hostile and attack until you leave and re-enter the system, whereas other pirates are always hostile.
  • The Pirates here will not attack your Wingmen but your Wingmen will instead attack the Pirates unless they are neutral.
  • Attacking the Pirates with your Wingmen will not cause any Pirates become hostile, regardless of the amount of damage done by your Wingmen.
  • Even if your ship's cargo hold is empty, the Pirates will still demand a tiny amount of payment.
  • If you manage to dock at one of the stations before the Pirate Boss demands a payment, upon exiting the station, the Pirates will not attack and still demand a payment, as if you entered the system once again.
  • Automatic turrets will not attack the Pirates if you enter the system before the pirates are paid off.
  • Quineros always sells all the standard Pirate ships. It is also the only planet that always sells Signatures, this is the best way to obtain them as you won’t find them anywhere else, though, you can occasionally pick up one by destroying faction ships.
  • Sao Perula will always sell valuable commodities such as Rare Plants, Buskat, and Vossk Organs. It also always sells large quantities of Explosives and Radioactive Goods, which can be very handy for building blueprints. It will also sell some small to large quantities of booze from other systems, though, the type of booze it sells is completely randomized.


Most Wanted Ships

Tips and Tactics

Often it is just simpler and quicker, to pay the pirates and tour the Loma system in peace. But sometimes one's cargo hold is filled to the brim with valuable items and paying over a large share of your badly needed profits just doesn't seem very attractive. In order to traverse the Loma system without paying the bribe, you can use one of the following methods:

1. Fight your way through Loma
If you're sitting in the cockpit of a well equipped star fighter or are just feeling bold, you can simply go in guns blazing. You don't even have to wait for the Pirates to open hostilities. You can just start trapshooting as soon as you see them. If you haven't completely overrated your fighting skills and emerge the victor, this approach has the nice side effect that you can collect a lot of loot from the downed pirate vessels which can be sold on the now unprotected station with a nice profit. For this approach to succeed it is highly recommended that you

  • Use a ship with at least three primary weapon slots and equip some top-of-the-line guns.
  • Have a high armor rating and good shielding.
  • Have EMP bombs/Nukes and/or mines in your arsenal to augment your damage potential.
  • Get a good cloak like the Yin Co. Shadow Ninja cloaking device. This will allow you to defeat the pirates without dying.

2. Sneak your way through Loma
If you're less bold (or reckless) you can also try to provide the pirates with as little a target as possible. This works best if you

Thus equipped, you can exploit the stubbornly practiced Pirate ritual "extort first, shoot later": When you first enter the system, it is one or two seconds before the Pirate boss hails you and welcomes his new "customer" and it is another couple of seconds before he has figured out the value of your cargo and makes his demands. Only when you refuse him now, will he get angry and send in the cavalry. Knowing this, you can be halfway though pirate-land before those space gangsters even turn hostile. Just fire up your booster the moment you enter the system and head straight for the station, ignoring the pirates. As soon as the first message from the Pirate boss disappears, activate your cloak and proceed calmly on your course. If you use the Shadow Ninja and timed it right, you should be within 2 or 3 kilometres of the station when the cloak fails. Reactivate your booster or, if it isn't fully recharged yet, use evasive maneuvers (swipe) for the last few seconds and dock.

3. Dodge your way through Loma
If you have an agile ship such as the VoidX, and it's equipped with the Pulsed Plasma Thrust, you can dodge your way through. When you dodge and you keep dodging in different and same directions, you may dodge all the shots and get into the station. If your not a fan of swiping your screen a lot, and your not the fighter, best use No.2

4. Enter a station from the backside

.....It is possible to go through the planets until you get behind the station, and there usually are no pirates there granting you access to the station. A useful tactic if you are in a situation were you cannot fight, like if you were trading in Loma without paying the Pirate's demand.


When entering the Loma system:

  • "Hey, looks like we got a new customer!"
  • "Welcome to Loma! If you want it, we probably have it!"

When refusing to pay:

  • "Oh, we got us a deadbeat! Let's show him what we think of that, boys!"
  • "Okay, you asked for it! Get him!" (Also plays if you attack the Pirates)

After paying the Pirates:

  • "You can enter Loma. But don't do anything stupid, okay?"
  • "Okay, he's good. Let him through!"

When departing from a station or traveling to another planet after attacking the Pirates or refusing to pay:

  • "We're gonna teach him a lesson he'll never get to remember!!"
  • "You should have just paid up when you had the chance!"

Loma Prices
