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Armor 175
Cargo hold 40
Primary weapons 4
Secondary weapons 0
Turrets 0
Equipment 12
Handling 145
Price 2,500,000$


With a compact ship design and reduced cargo bay, the Typhon scores with its outstanding maneuverability. The ship's engines are fed by two perpetual generators that are located in the robust wing sections. This ship includes an integrated Khador Drive.

Upgraded Stats

Upgrade Upg.
Cost w/
VIP Card
Armor 215 500,000 1,000,000
Handling 165 500,000 1,000,000
Equipment 13 1,000,000 2,000,000
Cargo 70 750,000 1,500,000

 K  Upgrades are only available at the Kaamo station lounge.


The Typhon is a Deep Science ship. It is the only ship that lacks secondary weapons, but can still do serious damage due to having four slots for primary ones.


  • Khador pilots a Typhon, presumably for testing purposes as he was unarmed and therefore cannot defend himself against Alice' Mercenaries without Maxwell's assistance.
  • Typhon was the deadliest monster of Greek Mythology, the Father of All Monsters, capable of defeating Zeus himself. This goes in line with how Deep Science ships all use Mythical names, yet the Typhon isn't quite the most fearsome Deep Science ship compared to the likes of Nemesis.
  • Like all Deep Science ships, it has an orangish-red glow on its cockpit.
