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Armor 160
Cargo hold 52
Primary weapons 1
Secondary weapons 2
Turrets 0
Equipment 4
Handling 150
Price 32,600$

In-Game Description

A modified version of the Terran Inflict. At the expense of a primary weapons slot it has two secondary weapon slots installed.

Upgraded Stats

Upgrade Upg.
Cost w/
VIP Card
Armor 200 6,520 13,040
Handling 170 6,520 13,040
Equipment 5 13,040 26,080
Cargo 85 9,780 19,560

 K  Upgrades are only available at the Kaamo station lounge.


The Hiro is a basic starter ship and a pirate version of the Inflict. As the description says, the Hiro is an alternative to the Inflict which sacrifices a Primary slot for an extra Secondary slot. Although it might not seem like a big deal, the Hiro is better than the Inflict in many ways. The Hiro was built with small improvements in Armor, Handling, and Cargo Hold, while keeping the same number of Equipment slots and almost the exact same price as the Inflict. Overall, the Hiro is a great competitor to the Inflict, and the best of the early-game ships.


  • The Hiro is a good ship to buy after the Betty.
  • The Hiro may be based off the Phantom, as both ships were modifications of the standard Terran fighter in their respective eras.
  • Hiros seem to be second hand ships, If you look carefully at the Hiro's right side, you'll discover several bullet holes and scratches that seem to mark the impacts the former owner recieved while flying their ship.
  • When using a Hiro you should always have homing missiles equipped(Edo, Intelijet) as this ship only has one primary weapon
  • Two hiros are seen in the begining of gof2 story.
