Razor 6

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Razor 6
Armor 135
Cargo hold 60
Primary weapons 4
Secondary weapons 1
Turrets 0
Equipment 6
Handling 130
Price 294,900$
Price (Android) 233,560$

In-Game Description

The Razor 6 is the successor to the old Terran ship, the Zephyr. It has a greater emphasis on agility and weaponry, and there is only one cheaper ship with four mountable weapons brackets.

Upgraded Stats

Upgrade Upg.
Cost w/
VIP Card
Armor 175 58,980 117,960
Handling 150 58,980 117,960
Equipment 7 117,960 235,920
Cargo 90 88,470 176,940

 K  Upgrades are only available at the Kaamo station lounge


The Razor 6 is a good Terran interceptor due to its agility, small size, cheapness, and the ability to have 4 primary weapons. However, the Razor 6 trades a powerful offense for a poor defense; this means that if your enemy has a chance to shoot you, you may not survive. The idea of the Razor 6 is to kill the enemy quickly so that the enemy won't kill you.


  • When referring to the cheaper ship (in-game infobox), it most likely means the Dace.
  • This is, besides the Type 43, the only ship with a number in its name.
