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Armor 125
Cargo hold 25
Primary weapons 2
Secondary weapons 1
Turrets 0
Equipment 6
Handling 155
Price 51,975$

In-Game Description

A good all-rounder. Solid, small and perfect for light reconnaissance missions or a weekend getaway.

Upgraded Stats

Upgrade Upg.
Cost w/
VIP Card
Armor 165 10,395 20,790
Handling 175 10,395 20,790
Equipment 7 20,790 41,580
Cargo 55 15,593 31,185

 K  Upgrades are only available at the Kaamo station lounge.


The Cicero is a fairly weak ship. It is weaker or equal to the Inflict in all characteristics except handling and equipment, and costs about 15,000 credits more. This is a good Mido ship to upgrade to right after the Betty you recieve in the beginning of the game, as it has moderate weaponry, is not too expensive, and has comparatively many equipment slots.


  • Alice flies a Cicero when she takes over Valkyrie Station at the last mission of Supernova.
  • The ship "Cicero" shares the same name of an ancient Roman philosopher, politician, and orator. He was the author of De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum, of which the "Lorem Ipsum" filler text originated from.
  • It is a Starter Ship.
  • One could refer to it as a "Betty 2.0".
  • It is better than a Betty but seems to be a bit smaller.
  • A pilot may need to stand up if they were to fly the cicero.
