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Armor 155
Cargo hold 52
Primary weapons 1
Secondary weapons 4
Turrets 0
Equipment 9
Handling 145
Price 316,400$

In-Game Description

A favorite with mercenaries, this ship is often used to give support to other attack vehicles.

Upgraded Stats

Upgrade Upg.
Cost w/
VIP Card
Armor 195 63,280 126,560
Handling 165 63,280 126,560
Equipment 10 126,560 253,120
Cargo 82 94,920 189,840

 K  Upgrades are only available at the Kaamo station lounge.


The Tyrion is in the Heavy Support ship category. This classifies it with the Teneta and Kinzer, which have similar functions and weaponry. The Kinzer has an extra Primary weapon and Equipment slot, as well as better armor, but has weaker handling and costs over 6 times the price of a Tyrion. The Teneta, on the other hand, has 2 fewer Equipment slots and weaker handling, but has an extra Primary Weapon, a Turret slot, a larger Cargo Hold, better armor, and a far lower price tag. The Tyrion, therefore, is best suited to a player who wants a large amount of Secondary Weapons, as well as maneuverability, but is willing to make heavy sacrifices for such a ship such as having only 1 primary weapon and lower than average armor. 


  • The Tyrion might be a combination of a Pirate and Midorian ship in terms of design, which it has a cockpit that droops downward, as well as the wings bending downward and usually has weapons installed under the wings.
  • This ship may be an upgraded and enlarged Betty, and might also be the ship that was converted into the Betty, as Gunant Breh can be heard saying "Betty used to be a Pirate ship", after Keith T. Maxwell is dragged into the Var Hastra mining station, after he finds his destroyed Phantom.
  • Both Midorian and Pirate ships tend to look asymmetrical in terms of design and weapon layout.
