FanFic:Black Titan

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Black Titan
Concept art under development.
Armour 2400
Cargo hold 600
Primary weapons 8
Secondary weapons 6
Turrets 4
Equipment 20
Handling 315
Price 75,628,450$

In-Game Description

The Black Titan is a huge, deadly ship found floating on the edge of the Alda system. Judging by the ship's date panel the last time the engine was working was 350 years ago. There was a menacing skeleton of a Terran found in the pilot seat, still holding onto the controls.

Upgraded Stats

Upgrade Upg.
Cost w/
VIP Card
Armour 2540 25,625,240 3,246,360
Handling 355 38,375,240 3,246,360
Equipment 21 32,246,799 6,492,720
Cargo 640 27,564,721 4,869,540

 K  Upgrades are only available at the Kaamo station lounge.


This is the only ship that the has the most primary and secondary weapons, including the most equipment slots, armour, handling and cargo space. It is only available for purchase at Quineros after all gold medals including medals for Supernova have been unlocked and you have reached level 40. This ship has eight primary weapons on its wings (two on each wing), two secondary weapons on its nose, four secondary weapons on the edges of its wings (one on each wing) and four turret slots on top of each wing. The armour is several metres thick and is constructed with a biological material that can repair itself without the use of a repair bot, although a repair bot can help. The extra armour you mount onto your ship (T'yol or E2 Exoclad) does require a repair bot to be repaired. The huge amount of primary and secondary weapons you can install makes this ship a dangerous beast, one that stands out from other ships. A major issue of the ship is its handling, even with upgraded handling the ship is rather hard to steer. A top-of-the-class steering nozzle can make it more acceptable for those who are looking for a very agile ship.


  • This is the only ship which has four wings.
  • This is the best ship is the game and beats even the best available on the market hands down.
  • It is one of the ships that is sold at a certain location (Quineros).
  • It has numerous strange markings and numbers in its underside.
