Valkyrie Station

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This article contains plot details about Galaxy on Fire.
Valkyrie Station.

Not to be confused with GoF3D's Valkyrie, the expansion pack, or the planet of the same name.

Valkyrie is a space station and a battlestation in the Her Jaza system.The station itself orbits Valkyrie planet, which bears resemblance to the backside of Jupiter.

Valkyrie is the base of operations for its owner, Alice, and her mercenaries.


Valkyrie remains in its orbit for most of the storyline until Alice betrays Maxwell and steals the Khador Drive so she could warp to Kothar and destroy it. Maxwell however stops her, and as she tries to escape, Valkyrie ends up stranded in Void Space due to a 2% margin of error.

Valkyrie would remain stuck in Void Space before Maxwell and the Terran Federation manage to successfully appropriate it from Alice for Deep Science and their Plasma Array. Alice attempts to steal it back, with Maxwell and Trunt Harval hot on her trail, and Valkyrie eventually takes critical damage. Alice eventually fires the Plasma Array, reversing the Supernova and destroying Valkyrie in the process.


  • Valkyrie has two telescopic arms. They are stowed by default until the end of the Valkyrie DLC where they expand, and would remain so for the rest of the game until its destruction.
  • Since Valkyrie Station is also a spaceship, it is probably the second biggest ship in GoF2, only beaten by the Void Mothership.
  • Valkyrie Station's tech level is 8.
  • Though obviously without a proper landing pad to dock on, Valkyrie is one of the few stations where the player could do so.
  • To transport this station via Khador Drive supposedly requires 1,000 Energy Cells, according to Alice, despite it only costing 1 (2 in extreme) for your ship to get to and from void space. This may be attributable to Valkyrie's sheer size, which far exceeds that of any other ship.
    • Its warp animation is reused from the hyperdrive sequence at the beginning of GOF2.
  • The Valkyrie Station is also the only known station that has mounted weapons. All other stations are either defenseless or require station security.
  • It is briefly seen in the Valkyrie add-on teaser, attacking two Deep Science ships with Liberators. This actually does not occur in-game, as Maxwell is the only character who can use them with Valkyrie only using its turrets and lasers as weapons. Additionally, there is only one NPC (Khador)-piloted Deep Science ship.
  • It is not known how the Valkyrie station came to be.

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