Supernova Mission 19

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"The end of a tyrant."~Keith T. Maxwell
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This article contains plot details about Galaxy on Fire.

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The Supernova's implosion destroys the Plasma Array, throwing Maxwell's ship into Luur's orbit, and he briefly thanks Alice for what she did. Though initially unaware, he soon discovers Trunt Harval's ship also nearby. Harval admits himself as the mastermind behind the Supernova incident, and declares he will find a new Midorian star for the next. Maxwell expresses his shock at Harval's mania, but he dismisses it, subtly references the ongoing conflict between the Nivelian and Midorian governments. He then engages Maxwell in battle. As Maxwell whittles down Harval's ship, his agitated taunts become increasingly desperate with Maxwell occasionally responding. Eventually, Harval's ship is destroyed, ending his regime once and for all.

Maxwell promptly makes contact with Snocom, who is relieved that he survived. Maxwell then explains Harval is now history and reveals his involvement in the Supernova incident as part of their Midorian eradication scheme. Snocom is equally shocked as Maxwell and tells him of an uprising underway the whole time due to Harval's methods generating notoriety within the Nivelian regime. With the final piece of the puzzle in place, the Black Guard has been presumably dissolved, although a few loyalists remain. He asks Maxwell to join them back at Thynome. Maxwell agrees, though he finds it difficult to believe that everything is over.

Keith is congratulated immediately upon arrival at Thynome. According to Snocom, the current Nivelian government is offering to release refugees that have been previously sent to reeducation camps, which Maxwell is happy to hear. Maxwell then talks to Carla about Alice' death, though she felt like she lost Alice long ago before Alice eventually redeems herself. Corny even puts in a few undecipherable words as well, which amuses Lampeter and Moonsprocket. Snocom finishes off by giving a toast to Alice and the future security of the Mido Confederation. Moonsprocket and Lampeter couldn't be happier.

The next morning, Carla discovers Maxwell having left Thynome to indulge himself in alcohol, much to her chagrin.

At Maissa, Mkkt Bkkt offers Maxwell, Moonsprocket and Lampeter Flabbergasters. Maxwell takes one, and as expected, becomes completely wasted, which Moonsprocket finds hilarious. Immediately after, Lampeter is also knocked out by the booze.

When Maxwell finally becomes sober again, he finds the Nivelian, Midorian, and Vossk Most Wanted boards unlocked with new ships rolling in the hangars.


  • If you die when fighting Trunt Harval, the mission restarts at the beginning of the duel, although secondary weapons that you used will not be returned so prepare a huge stockpile.
  • Harval's turrets cripple you badly unless you take them out quick. A nuke makes easy work of them.
  • In normal difficulty, equip primary weapons with high damage per second. This is a fact: about 5 Intelli Jets, a single Liberator, and 4 Raccoons will completely give Trunt Harval his unlucky day.
  • Occasionally, Harval will fire Garuda-IV cluster missiles at you. Simply swipe your screen to the left or right to dodge them.
  • Cloaks can be useful in avoiding the majority of the damage from Harval, especially when you find yourself in a lot of trouble.
  • Harval can hide himself for 10 seconds which conceals himself from your radar, although the distortion and his muzzle flash will still give him away. He only uses it occasionally, so it's less threatening than it seems.
    • Spam EMP bombs to completely paralyze Harval's ship while you whittle his health down. While it shouldn't be actively relied upon, it definitely helps.
    • Once Harval reaches 33% health, he will no longer be able to conceal his ship due to flame particles engulfing it at all times. This makes it easier to use the likes of M6A4 "Raccon" and Liberator.
    • Transfusion Beams like the Pandora Leech and Scatterguns like the Icarus Heavy AS can still damage Harval, as they don't have to actually see him with the aid of a scanner.
  • Having trouble reaching Harval? An automatic turret and sentry guns can be helpful since they automatically fire at Harval when he's in range. If you manage to get a lock on his ship, you can fire homing missiles and cluster missiles as well as thermo fusion weapons. Nukes are fast when deployed (be extra careful if you are playing in "Extreme" difficulty, as getting caught in the blast can and will damage your own ship as well), but Liberators can be more precise, given the fact that they can be steered.