Supernova Mission 18

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Valkyrie Station firing the plasma array
The Plasma Array in HD
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This article contains plot details about Galaxy on Fire.

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Maxwell travels to Var Lupra and is surprised to discover a large Terran fleet stationed near the Plasma Array while awing at the sight of the reconstructed apparatus. Moonsprocket greets him and declares their progress. In response, Maxwell says "Third time lucky!"

As expected, Trunt Harval arrives with his own armada of stealth fighters and he too announces his threat, "Despite my warnings, you persist in meddling with destiny. Now you shall feel the wrath of Nivelian might! We will show no mercy."

Snocom comes online and orders Keith to focus his fire on Harval's ship while others engage the stealth ships.

Amidst the battle, Carla contacts Keith and informs him the Plasma Array's controls have been damaged, preventing its remote activation from the space station. Alice shows up in a Cicero and docks into Valkyrie in an attempt to steal it and tries activating the Khador Drive, though she is unsuccessful, as the Terrans have anticipated this and removed it in advance. Knowing Alice can't get far, Snocom orders Keith to catch up with her. Harval, on the other hand, correctly believes that Alice is trying to escape the battle and fire the Plasma Array, so he gives chase as well, hoping to destroy Valkyrie before she gets the chance. Maxwell practically begs Alice to stop whatever she is doing, who retorts she is about to escape. Maxwell points out she can't, but she can still do what's right and make things even.

Under constant radiation from the Supernova and Trunt Harval's attacks, Valkyrie reaches critical durability. Alice laments her calamity before firing the Plasma Array.


  • Destroying all the stealth fighters will also make Alice show up, regardless of Trunt Harval's ship health.
  • It is not possible to legitimately destroy Harval's ship during this sequence. As soon as his ship drops below 30%, Alice will appear and the cutscene begins. Additionally, regardless of how much damage Harval's ship has received in this battle, it always begins with full health in the next fight.