Mission 2

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This article contains plot details about Galaxy on Fire.

This is mission 2 of the Galaxy on Fire 2 walkthrough.


When Keith docks, Gunant Breh tells him to fill his inventory with another hold full of ore. Maxwell initially refuses and backtalks Gunant, who offers to let Maxwell keep Betty if he mines enough ore.

When Maxwell finishes the task, a pirate appears. Since the ship is unarmed, he has no options other than evading its fire but manages to return in one piece.

Tips and Tricks

  • There's no specific strategy for this mission other than swiping the screen to dodge while the pirate is attacking to reduce the chances of it hitting the ship.

It is also the only mission to achieve the Survivor Medal on relatively easy conditions since this is the only time you can accurately calculate when to enter the space station without being blown to pieces or having the progress stopped.