Erkkt Uggut

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It is the will of the emperor that I shall pilot the K'Sar myself.
–Erkkt Uggut revealing himself to be piloting the Vossk freighter with the bomb to destroy the Void mothership
Erkkt Uggut
Erkkt Uggut
Gender Male
Race Vossk
Faction Vossk
Status Deceased
Era GOF2

Erkkt Uggut is a commander of the Vossk Empire and a part of the Uggut Clan.


In the face of the Void threat, the Terran Federation and Vossk Empire were forced to briefly cease their hostilities and come to an uneasy alliance. Erkkt Uggut was chosen by the Vossk Emperor as a pilot for their effort, while the Terrans arrange for Maxwell to meet up with him.

Upon encountering Maxwell, Uggut challenges him in a fight to eliminate the most pirates within a few minutes. Maxwell accepts and easily beats Uggut, earning his respect, and he allows Maxwell to serve as his escort.

Later on, Uggut pilots a K'Sarr Vossk Freighter loaded with Nivelian explosives on a mission to destroy the Void mothership. He was to be escorted by several Terran pilots as well as Maxwell, though the other Terran ships failed to follow through the wormhole, forcing Maxwell to protect the defenseless Uggut alone. The sheer number of Voids overwhelm him and the freighter loses control after taking extensive engine damage, but is able to reach the mothership. Unable to detonate the explosives himself nor eject from the ship for Maxwell to extract him, Uggut demands Maxwell to deliberately destroy the freighter, considering his own death an acceptable outcome for the Vossk Empire. Maxwell complies, and flees the Void dimension just as the freighter explodes, obliterating him and the mothership.

After his death, the Terrans and the Vossk resume their rivalry. In the Vossk Empire, Uggut was posthumously credited as the sole hero for defeating the Voids. [1]


  • While Uggut's first name was spelled "Errkt" with two r's in the initial dialogues, it was spelled "Erkkt" with two k's in the scrolling news after the end of the campaign as of version 1.0.3. A similar mishap is when Brent Snocom is telling Keith about the plan to defeat the Voids where "Errkt" is spelled "Urrkt".
  • He was raised as a pilot soldier, but was soon removed from active duty and deployed as a pilot instructor, much to his displeasure. As an instructor, he was notorious for being very strict and cruel, and his students feared him more than their enemies.
  • If his freighter is destroyed outside of Void space, it will be glitched and turn into a Terrain Freighter.
  • When the Void mothership is destroyed, his ship does not vanish.
