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Me-al Booster 250.png
Me'al Booster Unit
Type Booster
Tech Level 7
Effect 200%
Loading speed 16000ms
Boost duration 6000ms
Price Range -> 37,527$ (Weymire)
-> 46,897$ (Ni'mrrod)

In-Game Description

The Me'al booster is extremely rare, and if you see one on offer you should buy it immediately. It is easily the most powerful booster on the market. The Vossk restrict its sale, perhaps to avoid granting their enemies an advantage.


With the Valkyrie DLC, the Polytron Boost is now the most powerful booster in the game with a boost of 300%, but makes the targeting reticle shake uncontrollably.


  • This is the only Vossk booster.
  • It is the most powerful booster only eclipsed by the Polytron Boost.
