Nivelian Republic

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Nivelian Republic
The Nivelian Republic's emblem
Government type Democracy, Dictatorship (During Supernova)
Inhabitants Nivelians
Enemies Mido Confederation, Voids
Allies Terran Federation (formerly)

The Nivelian Republic is one of the four factions in Galaxy on Fire 2. Its population is mostly Nivelian, a race of bipedal reptilians.

Station Design

The Nivelians have tall, blue stations, often with multiple pylons connected by beams. Solar panels or radiators are also common. Their hangars have square platforms, and the space lounges use mildly round windows and cube chairs. The space lounges tend to look sleek and modern. 

A typical Nivelian station
Nivelian Space Lounge

Ship Design

Nivelians take pride in being some of the best shipbuilders in the galaxy. The Nivelian Republic's ships are sleek and very elegant. Their main color scheme is blue, with few exceptions. In addition, they all have a central, recessed cockpit with two or more wings or fins in which the engines or weapons are installed. This forms a U-shape in the ships. The main weapon seen on Nivelian fighters is the

A chart of ships in the Nivelian fleet

Berger Retribution


The Nivelian Republic is the oldest faction out of the major three in the galaxy. At one point they were the most powerful force in the galaxy. However, numerous civil wars broke out during their extreme expansion and their grasp weakened. Terran expansionism has also put pressure on their survival.

The Mido system declared independence during the Nivelian Civil War. Although the Terran Federation has accepted Mido Confederation's independence, the Nivelian Republic still claim Mido as part of their territory. There are still many skirmishes along the Mido-Nivelian border. Eventually the Eanya system, formally part of the Nivelian Republic, joined the Mido Confederation. During and after the war, the Nivelian Republic's government was overthrown by a military junta led by Trunt Harval and his Black Guard.

During the Void Threat, the Nivelians supplied explosives to obliterate the Void Mothership. The transport containing the explosives was temporarily captured by the Midorians, but was eventually rescued by Keith T. Maxwell. The explosives proved to be vital in halting the Void Threat.

Sometime around 3626 A.D, Trunt Harval attempted to eliminate the whole Mido sector by creating an artificial supernova in Ginoya star system. As a result, the system was almost obliterated, with much of the Mido sector being endangered. However, the Terran Federation and Deep Science came to their aid. Soon, the supernova was reversed, Harval was killed, and his Black Guard disbanded, ending his reign.

During the colonization of the Shroud Nebula, the Nivelians sent some of their commanders to colonize it.

When the Neox Sector was discovered, the Nivelians did not start expanding immediatly. Instead, they were busy rebuilding their civilization from the various civil wars they had. Eventually, they did start expanding in the Neox Sector. However, when they got there, most of it was already colonized. Being still unable to wage a multi-front war, they decided to erect a small colony in an unclaimed system to watch over the activites within the Neox Sector.

During the Shattering, a significant fraction of the Nivelian fleet stationed in Neox was destroyed, with many government officials being killed in the explosion, and they, too, sank into chaos.

Political Situation

The Nivelian Republic, much like the Terran Federation, has shared an uneasy history with the Vossk Empire, which despises them.

The Nivelian Republic's main adversary is the Mido Confederation, a splinter group formed from them during the civil war. They were also a former ally of the Terran Federation.

While the Nivelian Republic was at war with the Mido Confederation, much of the Nivelian population demand a cease-fire with many of them protesting and signing petitions. This was made worse due to the strict curfews put in place since the civil war.


The Republic follows a somewhat socialist life with hard work and family loyalty being key to Nivelian life. Nivelians are rather conservative and somewhat unaccepting of newcomers. However, younger generations of Nivelians have been influenced by Terran ideals of liberty and individuality.

Soundtrack Links

See Also
