Mekant Orskk

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Get out, Maxwell! And never darken my hangar door again!
–Mekant threatening Maxwell after the latter blackmails him.
Mekant Orskk
Mekant Orskk
Gender Male
Race Vossk
Faction Vossk
Status Alive
Era GOF2


A proud and high-ranking Vossk on the B'akrram station, Mekant Orskk just needs to do one little bit of treason to clear his clan's name from Alice's list of debtors.

More concerned with his clan's loss of premier spawn-pool privileges than his own life, he displays true Vossk mentality and fealty to his brethren.

Mekant has long been viewed as the most capable candidate for clan leadership in the future, and this could even put him in the leagues for the coveted imperial throne, although the glory would only be brief before being deposed and dissolved into regal jelly.


  • Keith T. Maxwell first meets Mekant Orskk onboard B'akrram station.
  • He helped Keith steal the K'Suukk for the Valkyrie crew.
  • In Supernova Maxwell blackmails him with his involvement in the K'Suukk hijacking incident, and successfully coerces him into telling where the last Prism is held. At the time Keith blackmails him he holds the rank "Counsellor to the Imperial Throne."
  • By the end of Supernova, Orssk has been promoted to "Chancellor", later surviving an attempted assassination from Orp Tsam.

