Urr Sakant

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Urr Sakant
Urr sakant mw info card.jpg
Urr Sakant's Most Wanted Page
Gender Male
Race Vossk
Faction Most Wanted

(Vossk Empire, formerly)

Status Dead (if bounty collected)
Era Galaxy on Fire 2

In-Game Description

Urr Sakant's criminal record is longer than the carnassial tooth of a Rhinocitroll. His most despicable felonies include, among others, the raid of a "Welcome to G'ukkon" travel group (no survivors), the destruction of the space longue [sic] of Ba'rrtu Station during the annual liquor festival (no survivors) and the selling of several litres of K'mirrk Frog venom to a number of honorable merchants of the Vossk Empire, who believed the deadly toxin to be cough syrup (56 dead).


  • Urr Sakant is the 6th and final criminal on the Vossk Most Wanted board.
  • His bounty is $140,000.
  • He pilots the Blue Fyre which can be bought at Loma after defeating him.
    • According to Blue Fyre's description, he stole it while the ship's still in a prototypical stage.
  • His ship contains 3t Sunfire o50's, making his ship one of the most valuable targets to re-loot.