Kaamo Club

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The Kaamo Club.

Found in the Shima solar system, orbiting the planet Kaamo, the Kaamo Club is a space station club originally owned by Mkkt Bkkt, which was attacked by pirates often. During a raid, almost everything was stolen so Mkkt Bkkt gave up the station and offered it to Keith T. Maxwell for 50 buskat and 30 million credits. However, it can also be purchased for $1.99 in the Add-Ons section. Also for $1.99, you can get the VIP card which lowers the prices of exclusive purchases in the Kaamo Club.

After purchasing the station, the Kaamo Club becomes Keith's home station. Ships, weapons, equipment, and commodities can be stored and switched at the station for no price. In other words, it becomes a personal armory. Special dealers can be found in the space station that will offer you rare equipment, ships, and upgrades.

Note: This feature is NOT available for Nokia N9 without the Valkyrie addon. Do not be confused with the excessive version numbering differences between Meego, Android, and iOS.

Accessing the Shima System

There are two ways to gain access to Shima. Note that Shima always appears on the star map, but will appear as dangerous before liberating it.

  • Lifting the siege - Mkkt Bkkt will ask you to defeat the pirates that are besieging his Kaamo Club space station. This also necessitates the destruction of pirate outposts.
  • Buy the "Kaamo Club" add-on as an in-game purchase - this is the quickest way to get access to Shima and Kaamo Club. Buying the add-on means that you can start storing old ships and items at the Kaamo Club much sooner in the game.
  • Glitching. Very rarely, a person in the space lounge may request that you do a mission at Kaamo. When this happens, you can do the mission at Kaamo and then dock, gaining control of the station without the need to fight pirates. When this happens, a peculiar sequence of events will happen. The following is the sequence of events if the mission was a courier mission.
  1. When you arrive in orbit of Shima, Mkkt Bkkt will say "Maxwell, is that really you? Talk about good timing! We've been under siege from these pirates for days now. They're scaring off business and my buskat supply is running out fast. Could youu help an old friend and take care of these guys?" The player can observe that there is no pirate siege. There are no pirate outposts.
  2. The player proceeds to dock at Kaamo uneventfully (if it was a courier mission). Mkkt Bkkt greets the player, saying "Ahh, Maxwell! Nice to see you." The dialogue continues normally. Note that Mkkt Bkkt does not play his "bravo" message beforehand because the player did not complete the freelance mission outside Kaamo.
  3. When Mkkt Bkkt's dialogue is done, the person who originally hired the player to do the courier will claim "Bravo! I knew you wouldn't leave me in a sticky situation! I'll open the hangar so you can dock, okay?" This is despite the player already having docked. Normally this dialogue is said by Mkkt Bkkt and occurs after the player has lifted the siege.
It seems that Mkkt Bkkt's "Bravo" dialogue is programmed to be played once the player completes a mission at Kaamo. Normally, this involves lifting the siege. But as we have seen, the dialogue really plays as soon as the player has completed a freelance mission.
When the player takes a garbage destruction mission for Kaamo, something even stranger will happen. This is best summarized in this video:

Shima will appear on the normal star map as "secure" and can be accessed from jump gates or by using the Khador Drive.

Storing and Switching Ships at Kaamo

Once you own the Kaamo Club, you can store old ships there whenever you purchase a new one. To do this, buy a ship at any other station and you'll be asked whether you want to 'Sell' or 'Keep' your old ship. Choose 'Keep' and the old ship will be put in storage at the Kaamo Club hangar. You can store an unlimited number of ships at Kaamo, but only one of the same type of ship.

If you are a collector of ships, you can buy a ship and store it at the Kaamo Club hangar but continue to pilot your original ship. To do this, choose 'Sell' when buying the wanted ship - this will put your original ship up for sale at the hangar where you bought it. Then, buy back your original ship and 'Keep' the wanted ship. This will store it at Kaamo whilst you can continue your journey in your original ship.

However it's still possible to store multiple ships of same type. To do this, you need to sell your current ship when buying one, then manually fly the new ship back to Shima and dock at Kaamo Club. The game won't stop you storing your new ship.

If you wish to switch ships that you've collected at Kaamo, simply go to the Kaamo Club hangar and tap 'Use' next to the ship you want to start piloting. From here you can also sell ships you've collected that you don't want anymore.

if you want to sell your old ship, you can simply press "sell" and sell it in the station.

Equipment and Commodities

As the Valkyrie trailer states, you can collect up to 400 billion tons of equipment and commodities at the Kaamo Club. Buy the items at other stations, then go to the Kaamo Club hangar and instead of selling the items, Kaamo uses a storage system, so the item stays in Kaamo unless you remove the item.

You can later "buy" them again at the Kaamo Club hangar, for free as you already own them.

It's a good idea to stockpile rare commodities, particularly those used for blueprints. This way you can buy things cheap when you find them, and then store them for use later.

After aquiring a Khador Drive, stockpiling Energy Cells at Kaamo is also a nice way to free up cargo space, as you will not need to carry as many Energy Cells in your cargo hold. This is particularily useful for ships with a meager amount of cargo space, such as the VoidX or Betty.

This station does not sell any equipment or weapons, it only allows you to store your own weapons and ships. You could, though, buy ships and weapons from the people that are selling them in the Kaamo club space lounge. 

The Kaamo Club VIP Card.

Space Lounge Deals

Along with the Supernova update, the Kaamo Club can not only just become Keith's personal garage, but can also have rare, high-tech ships and equipment dealers. You can access them in the space lounge. If you purchase the Kaamo Club VIP Card Add-On, all purchases will be 50% off.

Ship Upgrades

To upgrade a ship, simply talk to:

Vendor Ship Upgrade VIP Card Price
Nemor Kalant (Nivelian) +30 Cargo Space 30% of ship price
Longwei Zhou (Terran) +20 Handling 20% of ship price
Tedanor (Grey) Extra Equipment Slot 40% of ship price
Jelka Lithgow (Terran) +40 Armor 20% of ship price

You can only upgrade your ship once with each dealer. To upgrade a different ship, simply switch ships and return to the space lounge. They will offer to upgrade your selected ship. More expensive ships will be more costly to upgrade.

Modified Ships

To purchase rare special ships, talk to Umnar Zoboon (Bobolian). He will only offer you ships after you own Kaamo station, otherwise he will say casual things. There are 6 ships that can be purchased from him:

Ship Regular Price VIP Card Price
Berger Cross Special 14,820,000$ 7,410,000$
Darkzov 14,472,000$ 7,236,000$
Groza MK II 14,260,000$ 7,130,000$
Kinzer RS 17,960,000$ 8,980,000$
Phantom XT 14,860,000$ 7,430,000$
Teneta R.E.D. 15,220,000$ 7,610,000$

Purchasable equipment

To purchase rare equipment such as turrets, primary weapons, and secondary weapons, talk to the other Bobolian, Jakk Zoboon. After purchasing the offered equipment, return later and he will offer you something else.

Item Regular Price VIP Card Price
Dark Matter Laser 1,015,000$ 507,500$
Mimung Blaster 720,000$ 350,000$
Mass Driver MD 12 820,000$ 410,000$
PE Fusion H2 1,200,000$ 600,000$
Nirai SPP-M50 700,000$ 350,000$
M6 A4 "Raccoon" 1,067,000$ 533,500$
Patala (10 units) 29,000$ 14,500$
T'Suum (10 units) 104,000$ 52,000$
Spectral Filter Omega 946,500$ 473,250$

Mining Ores


The Kaamo Club in the Feature Trailer.
  • The Kaamo Club is located in a non-factionous system, however, the station's origins are Midorian: in GoF2 HD a Mido faction logo can clearly be seen behind the neon "Kaamo Club" sign, along with the hanger space lounge and overall architecture of the station
  • The system and station has its own music, separate from the others.
  • Kaamo is the only planet in the Shima system.
  • Pre-1.0.6, a bug exists in which you need to have more money than the price of the item to withdraw it. For example, you need more than $60,000 to withdraw the Rhoda Vortex.
  • According to the feature trailer, the Kaamo Station can store up to 400,000 billion tons of storage, is 10 miles in length, and can safely contain up to 20,500 crew or inhabitants inside.
  • Mido Most Wanted cannot be accessed from the Missions section.
  • It's the only place where you can buy modified ships.
  • After you buy the station, Kaamo's orbit is the best place to collect green plasma as there are no pirates.
  • Kaamo's main beverage could be Buskat, as Buskat is a powder to make beverages and since Kaamo is the only planet not to be selling other beverages.
  • When you buy the Kaamo Club, a little home icon becomes visible beside the word "Shima" in the star map.
  • The signs in front of the station are different in the HD version than in the SD version.
  • You must own Kaamo club to conduct huge money making glitches.
  • It can be assumed Kammo Club was an entertainment bar where Mkkt Bkkt reaped large profits.
  • Kaamo Club has no modified Vossk ships. Meanwhile, half of the ships offered there are Terran, the others being pirate, Midorian, and Nivelian ships.
  • Most of the modified ships are more flamboyant, or at least more attractive in the case of the Darkzov.
  • All the Kaamo ships cost twice the price to buy WITHOUT a Kaamo Club VIP Card. (e.g. Groza MK II really only costs 7 million, but must be bought for 14 million).
  • The Discord server (link above) takes place in the Kaamo Club.


Here are some steps you should before you enter the Shima system for the first time....

Step 1: Hire some wingmen to help you in fighting, though you can do it without them either.

Step 2: Free your cargo hold, and equip a good tractor beam. The pirate ships and outposts drop some decent loot, which can be sold later.

Step 3: Equip your ship with good armor plating, a cloaking device (The Yin Co. Shadow Ninja is advised) and weapons (Nukes such as the AMR Extinctor and high-damage missiles are recommended for secondary weapons), as these pirates are more powerful than regular pirates.

Step 4: Head to Kaamo in the Shima system.


Step 1: Take out the fighters first. Leave the outposts undefended.

Step 2: Provide fire support for your wingmen when needed.

Step 3: Destroy the unguarded pirate outposts, as your teammates are distracting them and you will have a chance to blow them up. There are a total of 4 Pirate Outposts you can destroy.

Note: Pirate ships will keep on appearing until you destroy all four Pirate Outposts, so make sure you destroy the Outposts quickly

Note 2: Using nukes against the pirate outposts and fighters will not damage your wingmen, as they are classified as "friendly." This only applies to Easy difficulty.

Step 4: Take out the remaining pirates, as some of them survive even when all the outposts are destroyed.

And now you are able to enter Kaamo from a victorious battle!

Alternatively: If you own the blueprints for the Intelli Jet or Liberator, you can stock up on them and then snipe the outposts from a distance.

Other: If you have unlocked Loma, you can also use the Icarus Heavy AS to snipe the Pirate Outposts and the Pirates themselves.

