User:Thunder Luigi

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  • The user was last available on: 19:13 February 2, 2015.
Thunder Luigi
1000px-Photo 3.jpg
Your reference is bad and you should feel bad.
Level 1
Class Monk
Alignment Chaotic Good
Strength 9
Dexterity 14
Constitution 8
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 9
Charisma 7
Gold 30


Supernova Challenge High Score

69246 (x11 Max Combo)

Current GOF Projects
  • Equipment pages
  • Valkyrie and Supernova pages
  • Game script!
Future GOF Projects
  • Bounty hunting battles

Hello, unlucky readers, Thunder Luigi here. I'm a more-casual gamer having found a bit of obsession in the Galaxy on Fire series. As a result, I have taken the time to purchase both games so far, and both expansions for Galaxy on Fire 2. I have previously conquered all of the Supernova storyline, but problems with the Dark Angel and N'Tirrk update have caused me to start over again.

My memory is rather awful, and my introduction to this wiki is fuzzy. I do remember it lacking in content, which pushed me to log into this once-dormant Wikia account and help out a bit. As a result, much of my contributions are on describing and interpreting game phenomena with more words than just "This is the best X in the game. This is the successor to X."

By the way, I have grown to despise those two sentences. I apologize if some individual users' contributions are phrases like that, but the combined appearance of them in nearly every article I've come across so far is quite irritating. There is more to them than the infobox, game description, how good they are, and what succession they follow in! Read the articles I've done! You can do way better than that!

I am a recreational creative writer, whose style was left unchecked from its beginnings in the seventh grade. As a result, my overall style feels rather "mutated" or "unnatural". I have the following tendencies from recent examinations:

  • Beginning with dependent clauses -- this gives my writing a sort of repetitive rhythm that I'm slowly working my way out of.
  • Obnoxiously long sentences -- such sentences are a combination of the above point, appositives, and often times lists that can contain any of the mentioned so far.
  • Unusual usages -- these lend to incorrect tones and confusing meanings because of the connotations carried by the words. This was revealed to me during a very tough ENG 102/Composition II class last semseter.
  • General wordiness -- conciseness is my biggest issue, and is, I guess, a significant part of the second point. Somehow this doesn't show up in my poetic works.

If you see my name across other parts of the internet, there is a chance he may be me. I've stuck with this username since my days in the GameFAQs forums.

Currently Piloting

Ship: Ghost

Armaments: Disruptor Laser x2, SunFire o50; Intelli Jet, AMR Oppressor

Equipment: Khador Drive, T'yol, Particle Shield, Hiroto Ultrascan, Yin Co. Shadow Ninja, AB-4 "Octopus", Polytron Boost, Rhoda Blackhole, Nirai Overcharge, Pandora Leech, Nirai SPP-M50

Useful Stuff To Copy

Em Dash: — — Always useful to interject mid-sentence—kinda like this—because parentheses don't look as cool.

Full Block: █████ When I want to cover up my ████.

Arrows: ↑ ↓ ← → ↕ ↔ Who knows?

Small Text Modifier:

<span style="font-size:80%; line-height:1.3em;">(text)</span>

Top Five Favourite Ships

1. Veteran-- Even having experienced the thrill of piloting the best ships in the galaxy, the Veteran still holds its charm as a representation of being a veteran of the game. In my first few hours playing the game, I remembered how beastly looking the ship looked against the Groza I piloted for much of the Void conflict, and mentally telling myself that I would sometime own that ship. This is my default ship as of 23 January, after successfully grinding my way to the Kaamo Club with the Bloodstar and countless freelance missions.

2. Bloodstar-- The battle against Qyrr Myfft was one of the best I have ever experienced, at least on "normal" difficulty. His variety of attacks and his teammates were the most challenging out of any clump of pirate or opposing faction that I have ever faced. His ship is incredibly fun to just jump about the galaxy and blast everything in sight and still emerge with guns and bombs blazing. However, I find that it's just too ideal for how I want to play the post-endgame. I like the limitations the other ships pose, which is why I returned to the Veteran with 11 million credits after getting the Kaamo Club.

3. Betty-- The first and the best (not counting the tutorial fight in the Phantom), this was among the first steps for players after experiencing vicariously Keith's kind of "fall from grace" after nearly dying in that time jump. I'm among the fools that want to challenge everyone else in their fancy souped-up ships in this ship.

4. Vol Noor-- I was surprised that something this cool-looking and decent-performing was for a mere 105k. For a while, I blasted through the Voids and Vossk with style, and when I moved to the Groza, it just didn't feel the same. After even glancing at this ship, any pilot will notice the lack of circular anythings on the other factions' ships.

5. Nemesis-- This would be tied with the Vol Noor if it weren't for its lack of secondary weapons space. I mean, come on, I hate lugging around a pile of Extinctors when they're really needed for a last-ditch GTFO bomb. Its 14 slots of customization just don't make up for that missing firepower. On the other hand, the design for this ship is tied with the Vol Noor because the shape and the colour(s) the designers gave worked so well, and every angle of it looks incredibly sleek! It would be hard to top the design of this ship...

Top Five Favourite Weapons

1. Icarus Heavy AS-- Sorry, but this is me being a hipster, but there's a bit of a reason to it. Sure the M6 A4 can kill quickly, but that makes space travel and combat less exciting. With an Icarus Heavy, one can either pepper enemies from five kilometres, or let them loose when closer. Goodness, those purple explosions are fun. Also, while those fancy beam rifles are said to be like sniper rifles, the projectile behaviour of this and other scatterguns are more similar to them in practice: One needs to account for distance and whether the target is moving or not, and fire where one thinks it will be before it even reaches that point. Compare that to letting the beams aim for you. Sure it's easier, but where's the fun in that?

2. Shock Blast-- These are incredibly fun to play with, but they're the best when you really need some breathing room, should that situation arise. These have saved me during really intense pirate fights in Loma and Skor Terpa, and Void fights in their territory. Even if they're not needed in an emergency and I'm bored of letting the primary weapons spin, I'll let loose one or two while the turret comfortably picks them off. Unfortunately, I have come to associate the nature of this weapon with the colloquialism "Nope, Chuck Testa".

3. Liberator-- The name of the missile itself already brings a sense of devilish elegance. Liberating you from the cockpit for about 20 seconds, the camera is fixed behind the missile so you can see the target you wish to liberate. The destruction created feels more powerful because of that. And should you use these against Alice throughout the Valkyrie campaign, you have just demonstrated situational irony, because she wouldn't expect you to use her blueprints against her. 

4. SunFire o50 / MaxHeat o20-- I'll turn the words of critics against them, and praise thermal fusion weapons as killer confetti spinners. From a certain perspective, the lights and the funny sounds they make cover up the screams the targets are making while the equivalent of a swarm of hostile bees rip apart their ship. Anyway, these guys are a nice addition to any primary weapon setup, since their tracking power can help with off-screen targets like an automatic turret, while you can focus on the targets right in front of you. I can't decide between the SunFire or the MaxHeat because the former is powerful and its yellow streaks fearsome, but the latter's purple projectiles are very charming.

5. Intelli Jet-- I find these to be the most broken weapons in the game due to how powerful they are for how easy they can be created. For what practically is a less-powerful DEPHASE, you trade off the difficulty of finding rare missiles for a blueprint recipe consisting of commodities that aren't hard to acquire. I'm sure everyone has compulsively made batches of a hundred to a thousand just to have something to throw at distant targets; I certainly have. When I first killed Qyrr Myfft, I threw about 200 missiles at him.