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Not much to say about goes..I fell in love with gof 2 when I first downloaded it on IOS on for the ipod touch. been playing it ever since and when it came out on android i downloaded it too and played that more. Anyways, here are my gof 2 stats.

Ship: Bloodstar

Screenshot 2013-12-19-16-33-52-1.png

Weapons: 2x Icarus Heavy AS / 2x Disruptor Laser OR 2x Dark Matter Laser. or if I want to go 1 shot then 4x M6 A4 "Raccoon".

Secondary weapons: Patala, Ksann'k, Liberator, Shock Blast, T'Suum(If i am hacking or doing the blindfolded killer medal).

Turret: HH-AT "Archimedes"

Equipment: Khador Drive, Particle Shield,T'yol, Ketar Repair Bot II, Pandora Leech, Emergency System, Pulsed Plasma Thrust, Polytron Boost, AB-4 "Octopus", Nirai SPP-M50 repair beam(only if I have wingmen), 3x Rhoda Blackhole.


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