Orp Tsam

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Orp Tsam
Orp tsam mw info card.jpg
"Wyatt Orp's" Most Wanted Page
Gender Male
Race Octopod
Faction Most Wanted


Status Dead (if bounty collected)
Era Galaxy on Fire 2

In-Game Description

The assassin Orp Tsam aka "Tentacle Orp" aka "Wyatt Orp" aka "Tsam Tsam" is wanted for the attempted murder of the honorable Chancellor Orssk. If Orssk himself hadn't entered his disabled shuttle's turret and put the attacker to flight with a hail of bullets, one of the most popular politicians of the Vossk Empire would most likely not be among us anymore...


  • Orp Tsam is the 5th criminal on the Vossk Most Wanted board.
  • His bounty is 120,000$
  • He carries 12t Patala


  • The "Chancellor Orssk" in his description might be referring to Mekant Orskk.