GameGuides:Making Money

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There are many ways to make money, including trading, hunting down criminals, and looting.


Many profitable trade routes exist in GoF2. A more common one is the Wolf-Reiser/Aquila and Pan/Pescal Inartu route. Start at Thynome, and buy all the Implants being sold there. Next, go to the Aquila system and buy all the Implants being sold there. Travel to the Pan system, and sell your Implants for profit. Then, buy all the Organs in the Pan and Pescal Inartu systems, and go back to Thynome and sell the Organs for profit. Repeat as needed. High cargo storage is necessary, as Organs and Implants are often sold in batches of 100-500. Rhoda Blackholes make this easier.

Suteo also has fairly cheap organs, as well as cheap turrets and equipment. The most profitable turrets are the Skuld AT XR and the Matador TS, with the Skuld AT XR netting around $50,000 per unit and the Matador TS around $30,000 - 40,000 per unit.

Another trade route is the Vossk-Loma route. In Vossk territory, Collectible Figures can be bought for as cheap as 9 dollars per unit and can be sold in the Loma system for over $11,000. This is approximately 1,200x markup and this 1,200x profit per unit, making this route highly lucrative. Recommended only to players with powerful ships, weapons, shields, armor, and a cloaking device, as many Vossk systems are classified as Dangerous and contain hordes of pirates. Loma is inhabited by nothing but Pirates, making it even more dangerous. Thus, good ships and equipment are highly recommended.

Both trade routes can be optimized for maximum profits by including Suteo and Loma in the route. A good path is to start at Thynome (Implants), then move to Aquila (Implants). Travel into Vossk space for Collectible Figures, then move to Pan and Pescal Inartu for Organs. Travel to Suteo for turrets and more Organs, then head to Loma to sell everything for maximum profit. Finally, go back to Thynome and repeat the process. Depending on the number of items available, you may have to travel to Loma multiple times to free up cargo space.

Ships with high cargo space, such as the Rhino, Bloodtstar, or Gator Custom are highly recommended. Rhoda Blackholes are a necessity. A cloaking device and booster is also recommended, to blow by the pirates at Loma and deliver the cargo without being killed.

See the page Finding Items for more details.

NOTE: It's advised that such a method only applies for non-Android users since the margin of profit for any commodity present in the game is poor.

Hunting Criminals

There are two different kinds of criminal hunts in the game:

Side Mission

One of the side missions that can be picked up at a Space Lounge is to hunt a criminal. If you accept the mission, the criminal in question will definitely appear at the planet where you're told he is, the next time you are there. Your autopilot will have coordinates to a Waypoint that will lead you to him.  He will appear on your scanner as an unnamed "Pirate". He will be somewhat tougher to defeat than the typical pirate, but should also appear alone. 

This type of mission is highly recommended when starting on extreme difficulty, as tackling a single more powerful enemy is far easier than dealing with a horde of enemies that can easily overpower and destroy you.

Most Wanted Criminals

In the Supernova add-on, you can find these on the Missions screen, Most Wanted tab. This will tell you a general path that the criminal is following, but there is less certainty to when/where these criminals will actually be found than there is for the side-mission criminals. You must actively aim your scanning reticle at other ships until your scanner shows the criminal's name in red (it may have appeared in red, yellow, or even green before scanning). When you do locate a Most-Wanted criminal, he will usually be accompanied by several other ships that will become hostile as soon as you've IDed him.
It also helps to be in the habit of just scanning every ship around every planet in case a Most-Wanted ID pops up. This can easily be combined with "Vulture" looting below. An easy way of hunting down Most-Wanted Criminals is to start at what is going to be their final destination and work backwards, this is a simple way to ensure that you encounter the criminal. Just make sure that you travel by using the planets with jumpgates, as this is the route the criminal will take.


Simple,  just sell stuff you loot depending on what you want to fight...or not:


Best for begginers are average and risky territories, best for others are dangerous.

Local Security Forces

The Risky systems are usually the best for this if you want large numbers to fight, Secure is easy for this but as the encounters are rare, you won't receive much loot.

Foreign Freighters

This is when you destroy/EMP the freighters which don't belong to the same faction as the system (e.g. targeting Nivelian freighters in Terran systems) This means the local security force doesn't attack you, but you still get some loot. This will make that faction hostile, however, if you stay out of their systems, then its fine. However, not a lot of loot comes from each freighter. Due to a glitch in the game, looting Nivelian freighters in Terran space will not change your reputation with the Nivelians, and looting Terrans in Nivelian space does not change your reputation with Terrans.

"Vulture" looting

When you've finished off any hostiles that initially appeared at a planet (or there are none), linger a bit before leaving/docking and check to see if the neutrals happen to be fighting each other. For instance, Vossk fighters at a Terran station will shoot at Terran ships, who will return fire if armed. If the attackers eliminate all of the defending fighters, they'll start on defenseless freighters, until another fighter spawns from the station and the attackers turn on it.
As long as any attackers exist, this battle will continue. A less-common variation occurs when neither neutral factions calls the planet home, such as Midorian fighters firing upon Nivelian freighters at a Terran station. Since neither faction has a station from which additional fighters can spawn, these battles tend to be shorter in duration.
Without shooting anything, or perhaps more importantly, having anyone (deliberately) shoot at you, you can fly around picking up loot from the destroyed ships with your tractor beam. You may take some accidental shield damage if you get caught in the line of fire between the two factions, but it's otherwise a very safe way to pick up loot. This does not appear to greatly affect your reputation with either faction, especially if you're gathering loot from both factions in rough balance. If you're very close to making an enemy of one of the two factions involved, this may be just enough to push them over the threshold, so take care in such situations.
This technique may take quite a bit of time.  If you have wingmen, their contract is very likely to expire while you're exploiting a battle, so when you finally dock at a station to sell the loot, expect them to leave your company.

Wingmen looting

EMP your wingmen, take their loot, and return to station. When you exit the station the wingmen will still have the same amount of whatever they had. You can emp them again (anything you take is not be returned to them: taking from them will just cause them to duplicate their loot) and keep repeating this process.

Most Wanted Looting

EMP the most wanted criminal and take his loot. Return to station and sell it. Go out and repeat. (This passage is taken from XIABCIx's comment on the Qyrr Myfft page)

Complete Destruction

This is only recommended for players who have very good weapons, equipment etc. (e.g. A ship costing more than $2,000,000, M6 A4 "Raccoon" or similar, Fluxed Matter Shield /Particle Shield, cloaking device is useful, armour is optional, Crimson Drain /Pandora Leech can be helpful.) Basically, this is where you got to a system with lots of ships (usually dangerous stations) and destroy everything, picking up loot as you go along.

Spawn Trap

After you have completely destroyed everything, and if no pirates spawn, fly to the station. Place 3 sentry guns about 1.5KM away from the station, in a rough "V" shape. If you have a repair beam, most damage the sentry guns may take from spawning fighters should be quickly healed. Now fly away from the station and up from the sentry guns, until you are about 2-2.5KM away from the station, and lock onto the station. Remember to swipe down to turn your engines off. This means that you are stationary, but always pointing at the station. Set your weapons to fire continuously, then every time one of the secuity forces ships spawns, it gets destroyed. (Raccoons are preferable because they have slight auto-aim.) Stay until your cargo hold is full, then sell everything, preferably at Loma. NOTE: Especially with a ship with a large cargo space, it can take a long time to sell everything, but it is worth it. NOTE#2: Whilst it is possible for a ship to break through the 'defences' and attack you, it is normally taken care of by the sentry guns. However there is still a slight chance that you can be destroyed. 

The biggest advantage this method of making money has is that it can be left to do the work without player input after it has been set up. 

Suggested setup: Gator Custom , 3x (at least) T'Suum , 4x M6 A4 "Raccoon" , Khador Drive , Hiroto Ultrascan , AB-4 "Octopus" , Particle Shield , 8x Rhoda Blackhole . (You can swap a few of the blackholes for other equipment, but you shouldn't really need to.) I make an average of $3,000,000 every time I fill up my cargo hold and sell everything at Loma.

Also, try to spawn trap on planets with higher tech levels, as the seem to send more ships out, meaning you can loot more stuff and fill up your cargo quicker.

Destroyer Destroyer method

Go to Aquila. Stock up on implants. Leave 100tonnes cargo free. Do other stuff and all. If you see a battleship, it most likely contains Vossk organs, organs, implants, or costly weapons or equipment. If you have a well equipped ship with the yin co, shoot it! Nukes are great. After you have destroyed it, raid it and go to Loma. If planned right there should be free cargo space due to the use of energy cells. Kill all the Pirates and loot'em. When your cargo hold is full, go to the station and sell the loot and other normally bought implants.

Note: Try Carme, Tsoj Delev, Io ombak and Nepis. Also try the Pan system.

See the page on Terran Battlecruiser for a more comprehensive list on how to destroy or loot Terran Battlecruisers.

Weapons trading

GO TO SUTEO AND YMIRR. Then buy all turrets, costly scatterguns, equipment and then sell at Loma. Raid the Pirates too.

Item Duplication

There are numerous duplication glitches for weapons and items. These are by far the fastest way to make money. If you want to see how they work, read the page on glitches.

Extreme Mode/Lucrative

On Extreme Mode, trading is nearly impossible and pirates spawn in ridiculous amounts, so the player is forced to find other methods to make large amounts of cash fast.

Purchase Missions

Vossk Organ purchase missions are the best, and with the right standing and amount asked for, can net the player over 1,000,000, they’re rare to find, and purchase missions seem to reset, so the player should take any of these they find, as long as they can afford the goods.

If the player owns the Kaamo Lounge, they can use it to stock up on (I’d recommend keeping 30t), of every rare good and liquor, they can then accept any purchase mission without the need to search for the requested good.

Purchase Mission rewards are improved (like all other missions) by earning medals,

Re-Looting Most Wanted

The final criminal on the Vossk most wanted board, Urr Sakant, carries 3t SunFire o50. Looting his ship using EMP weapons and docking to reset allows the player to earn over 550,000 on every run (assuming best price,). This is by far the fasted way to earn money in the game (outside of glitches). This can be made even easier by waiting to fight him at a secure or average station to make identifying him fast. EMP Missiles like the Mamba or Dephase are most efficient due to cost, avoiding angry security (EMP Bombs), and the fact that it only takes 2-3 at any range.

Qyrr Myfft, the final criminal on the Terran Wanted Board, carries 5t Nirai Overdrive, and Bartholomeu Drew, the third criminal on the Midorian Wanted Board, carries 8t Vossk Organs. Both are good alternatives for Re-Looting.

Faction signature meathod

In order to do this you must have access to signatures included with add ons

Go to a station and kill everyone and keep doing this until you get a couple signatures.

For example i killed allot of vossk and got 6 signatures which sell for around 500,000 per signature so i got around 3,000,000 by selling them at loma.