Talk:Galaxy on Fire Wiki

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Hi. People

Maximum credit amount

Credits are stored in then game's code as a signed 32 bit integer. This means that the maximum in GoF2 is 2,147,483,647 credits before the credit count resets to 0 upon recieving one more.

I feel that the "Did you know" section on the main page should be updated to show this exact number.

Murdermancer (talk) 01:33, August 1, 2014 (UTC)

Fixed, thanks!

Ship teneta red 250 Transparent.pngShadowMan177 My Wall

Leveling up

leveling up

Ok does anyone know how exactly you level up? I suppose its achievements and thenstatus menu + money Thanks <insert name here> Ondrej008 (talk) 18:24, January 11, 2015 (UTC)