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  • The user will return on: Unknown.
  • The user was last available on: 07:54 February 15, 2018.

This user is the Poll Master

GOF3 AppIcon Final V3 512x512.png
Role Administrator
Location Earth, Solar System, Orion Arm, Milky Way, Known Universe
Occupation Living life as a human, Editing on this wiki, etc.
Favourite GoF Game Galaxy on Fire 2 (HD of course)

Greetings, fellow spacers, I am ShadowMan177 but you can call me Shadow. I am an Admin on this wiki so if you have any inquiries, ask me!

Admin Duties

What's an admin you ask? Well as an admin, you've come to the right place! An admin or administrator is a user who is given privileges to help maintain and keep the wiki in good shape. Anything from fighting vandalism to sprucing up the wiki with CSS or just Theme Designer. I also keep the users in check, making sure this wiki is a safe and friendly place, by blocking or banning disruptive and offensive users. I hope to see you soon spacers and GoFers!

CSS Accomplishments (on this wiki)

FYI, CSS is a programming language or code that is the basis of this wiki and all other wikia wikis. This is a list of stuff I've done with this wiki's CSS.

  • Made the logo expand and (previously) rotate
  • Changed the main typeface (font) of this wiki.
  • Updated default wiki interfaces.

Favourite Pages...

  • The TENETA R.E.D.

Goals (Very Outdated)

  • Do stuff- Done
  • Get over a million credits- Done
  • Get over 6 million credits- Done
  • Finish base game- Done
  • Finish Valkyrie- Done
  • Be awesome!- Done
  • Rekt Trunt- Done
  • Finish Supernova- Done
  • Kill all most wanted- Nearly (90% done)
  • Kill a lot of battlecruisers - Done
  • Haul over 50 missions to Loma - Done

My Signature


Ship teneta red 250 Transparent.pngShadowMan177 My Wall

Page Created by Me!/ Visit Reguarly/ Maintain and Edit ect...

Behold in all it's glory!

The Random Button!