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Type EMP protection
Tech level 3
Damage 235
Loading speed 1200ms
Range 0m
Speed 0km/h
Magnitude 15000m
Price 517$


The Pulseflect was a glitched item which could be acquired prior to patch 1.5.1 in Galaxy on Fire 2 , and was most likely a beta item which was left in the game by accident. It had no description, and couldn't be bought in shops. In rare cases, someone in the Space Lounge offered you this item.

When used in flight, a pink bra was ejected out through the front of the ship, followed by the repeating sound of a tractor beam being used as it tracked to the nearest ship, either ally or enemy. When it made contact with the ship it exploded, dealing heavy damage.

All Pulseflects were converted toAMR Sabers with patch 1.5.1.