Mrrkt Nimkk

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Mrrkt Nimkk
Mrrkt nimkk mw info card.jpg
Mrrkt Nimkk's Most Wanted Page
Gender Male
Race Vossk
Faction Most Wanted

(Vossk Empire, formerly)

Status Dead (if bounty collected)
Era Galaxy on Fire 2

In-Game Description

Mrrkt Nimkk is a former business associate of the notorious drug lord Pal Tyrrt. Since they had a number of high-ranking Terran Security Officers on their payroll, Mrrkt Nimkk and Pal Tyrrt were able to smuggle huge amounts of the party drug Z'koom from Ni'mrrod to Augmenta. An undertaking that helped the two Multipods [sic] gain enormous riches in relatively little time. Unlike his ex-partner, however, Mrrkt Nimkk has long since turned his back on crime a long time ago. This days, he lives the peaceful life of an interstellar traveller and enjoys his journeys to the galaxy's most remote star systems and outskirt colonies.


  • Mrrkt Nimkk is the first criminal on the Vossk Most Wanted board.
  • His bounty is 60,000$.
  • Funnily enough, his name resembles that of an Octopod, but he is a Vossk.