Mido Mining Plant

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The Mido Mining Plant.

The Mido Mining Plant is a huge factory built by Midorians in the orbit of planet Coromesk, Skavac system, shortly after the events of Valkyrie addon.

It has only one appearance in the story - When Keith heads there to find the third prism, the miners agree to hand it over if he mines enough Titanium Ore to compensate the potential losses caused by removing the prism. During this mission, docking at the plant will slowly unload the Titanium on the ship. When unloading the Titanium, if Maxwell takes off, any Titanium ore already transferred will not be lost, and future attempts only require the remaining ore to be dropped off. He eventually fends off pirates that also swing by to attack him, and the miners hand over the prism.

Outside of the mission, players can convert 30t (non-extreme)/100t (extreme) ore of any type and it will be exchanged for 1 core of the same type. While this is generally not profitable, it can be useful for blueprints building if a player can't get the core needed from asteroids due to cheap drill, bad drilling skills, radiation (for Novanium mining) or constant attacking enemies (for Void crystals mining), and they can't autocomplete the blueprint.


The Mido Mining Plant concept art.
Evolution of the Mido Mining Plant
  • The plant has several interesting attributes:
    • It is one of the only entities the player can always dock to in free-roam.
    • Although it is marked as a Midorian ship, unlike the Terrain Carrier and Vossk Battlecruiser its health stays at 100% whatsoever, and is always friendly.