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Genoh in GOF2 SD.
Faction: Nivelian
Security: Risky
Tech Level: 10
Jumpgate: Yes

Genoh is a planet in the Nesla system, at the edge of Nivelian Territory. This orbit contains the jumpgate leading to the Shima, Eanya, Weymire, Behén, and Paréah systems. Because this system collides with the Midorian border

Your Surroundings

Upon entering Genoh you should be 10-15 km away from the station. The Jumpgate is 8-10 km away as well. The Planet Genoh, looks like the Earth, only it is upside-down at a night view. 


  • The countries clearly visible are Japan, Indonesia, India and China.
  • The Planets Epigome, Dis and Taygete also look like the Earth upside-down.
  • Yrdal GedalB'errokk and Isonoma are similar to Genoh as they also resemble a planet in our solar system (they look like green Jupiters).
