FanFic:M1 A1 Quickstun

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M1 A1 Quickstun
Type Laser
Tech Level 3
Damage 1
EMP Damage 30
Damage Per Second 1
Range 5000m
Speed 1000ms
Known Price Range 50,000 Buntta, 60,000 Thynome
Loma Price 21,000

In-Game Desription

The revenue the company that made the M6 line of weapons came to a full stop when the range of EMP weapons was released. In a unfriendly response, the company started making a range of EMP weapons similar to the M6 series. At the start, the company though they wasted all their money to make the first of the series, but as time went on, more and more started buying until the factories couldn't keep up with production.


This weapon is very similar to the M6 series of weapons, the only difference is that it deals EMP damage instead of normal damage. The damage per second is partially incorrect; it lists the actual damage instead of the EMP damage. The name, "Quickstun", is also criticizable; however, the weapons of the M1 series are faster then the ones of the M6 series. This weapon is a bit overpowered to be the first in the league,

Many people do trading with this thing; buy at Buntta, sell at Thynome. Some people understand the low Loma price, and trade from Loma to Thynome instead. The Loma/Thynome route is faster, but you get 9000 cash instead of 10000; not a big deal.

The succsessor to the M1 A1 is the M1 A2 Electrico.