Category:Volatile Goods

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Certain commodities in the game are considered volatile, and are able to destroy your ship if moved around too much.

A number of limitations are placed upon a pilot, should he or she dare bring these volatile goods on his or her ship:

  • Sudden movements of nearly every kind will increase the likelihood of destruction. This includes: the recoil of enemy projectiles, your gunfire, using a booster, strafing and/or turning too suddenly, and even using a plasma harvester.
  • Usage of the Khador Drive is forbidden. The immense heat produced when preparing for a jump will practically detonate your ship in an explosion. However, jumpgates are still allowed (most likely because there are no other ways to go from system to system after that).
  • Third parties will refuse to transport them because of their explosive properties. If a player attempts to request third-party transport of red plasma while building up a Chromo Plasma, the game will not allow it.

With volatile goods aboard, traversing the galaxy now becomes flying away from every enemy while cloaked and taking every jumpgate to the intended destination.

Have fun!

Pages in category "Volatile Goods"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.