Vilhelm Lindon

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Vilhelm Lindon
Vilhelm lindon mw info card.jpg
Vilhelm Lindon's Most Wanted Page
Gender Male
Race Terran
Faction Most Wanted (Pirates)
Status Dead (if bounty collected)
Era Galaxy on Fire 2

In-Game Description

After Vilhelm Lindon lost his parents in a terrorist attack on Quineros at the age of eight, he grew up in the darkend sub-decks of the notorious black market station and was raised by the ruthless space pirate Ono Mico, who was in charge of the drugs racketeering of the entire Loma system. After the old scoundrel's death, Vilhelm Lindon took over his mentor's operations and successfully integrated several new star systems into his well-flourishing business.


  • Vilhelm Lindon is the second criminal on the Nivelian Most Wanted board.
  • His bounty is 75,000$
  • At least on Extreme, his ship carries 25t of V’ikka Moonshine
  • He pilots Wraith.