User talk:Godelieve Yvormes

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Hi, welcome to Galaxy on Fire Wiki! Thanks for your edit to the Ultimate ships page.

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I saw your recent interest in the Ultimate Ships Page, and your question about Galaxy on Fire 3D ships. If you have that game, I invite you to add the ships to that page, as I only have the Galaxy on Fire HD version.


Namj13 13:33, April 4, 2012 (UTC)

I am considering reworking the main page, where just the headings will be featured and maybe a change to the categories listed. Also, we should rework the category system and use narrower categories. Please provide feedback to this possibile change. 23:58, April 7, 2012 (UTC)

Sorry, the above comment is from me, forgot to login. Namj13 12:58, April 8, 2012 (UTC)

For headings, the category name with a picture uniting the category, and maybe some important articles as well, and for categories, probably just a making it presentable. Namj13 19:01, April 8, 2012 (UTC)

We could start today, most of the categories listed are fairly good, post some of the important article canidates on my talk page to decide what stays besides the categories. Namj13 19:35, April 8, 2012 (UTC)

For the Ships category should it be changed so that the ships are divided by faction rather than all clumped together?Namj13 19:40, April 8, 2012 (UTC)

For the home page, rather than make a new page, we just take off the sub categories from the main page. Namj13 00:39, April 9, 2012 (UTC)

Rather than putting all the photos, a selected few could be shown, or we need to reduce the number of headings on the page, as the pictures will take more space. The picture template lets them serve as links, make sure to put the right link in. Namj13 03:24, April 9, 2012 (UTC)

Actually I was thinking we should put the 3 top groups (Ships factions and Characters) as pictures with words below, and then the rest of the links in the old format of the page, similar to the Mass Effect wiki .


Right now if you could make the mission walkthroughs, that would be extremely helpful. A mission is when you have to go to a station to continue the story.

Thanks. Namj13 20:16, April 10, 2012 (UTC)

What do you mean by freelance?

Create the pages for the storyline, in the format the first 4 are in.

Thanks. Namj13 19:03, April 11, 2012 (UTC)


Do freelance first but make it a sub category in the walkthrough category. I will try to help, I took pictures of all the systems and I am going to overhall the systems category pages.

Namj13 00:14, April 13, 2012 (UTC)

Its ok, only admins can delete pages, ill delete it. If you ever need help, just ask.

Namj13 00:31, April 14, 2012 (UTC)

If its a category page, then just go to the page, edit and on the left below templates, just put your mouse over the category you want to delte and click the trash. Categories can't be deleted only removed.

Namj13 00:33, April 14, 2012 (UTC)

Thanks for renaming the pages. What do you think of the system categories?

above message was from me

Namj13 04:06, April 14, 2012 (UTC)

Sorry I missed this message earlier, but what do you mean by a read more page?

Namj13 13:01, April 14, 2012 (UTC)

Ill upload the photos for the missions within this week.

BTW whats your new picture of?

Namj13 02:19, April 17, 2012 (UTC)

Here is the link to the photo, it is on fishlabs facebook page

Namj13 19:00, April 23, 2012 (UTC)

1. The post above was made by a use who did not tag the post, I do not entirely understand what the user means, as that has not taken place here. Just ignore the post. I will be deleting it or having him tag it for clarity of users on the talk page. When contacting users, I talk directly on their talk page or as a blog post, not as a message on my own page. In the future, I try to clear my talk page every other month or so, so that it is easier to acesses the messages.

2. Deep can be added to the wiki, as it is similar enough, I have seen and I am considering playing it, I believe the java version can be downloaded from Fishlabs?

Namj13 20:43, May 4, 2012 (UTC)

For the post, another user said it, and forgot to tag it, making it appear as if it was your post because there was not much spacing between posts. Ill look into getting DEEP soon. Thanks

Namj13 00:54, May 5, 2012 (UTC)


When making a category accidentily, just remove any pages linking to said category, the page itself cant be deleted. because it is not counted as a page. For example, type in or any word in place of z, all categories exist, just are not used until a page is linked to them.

Namj13 21:07, May 16, 2012 (UTC)

P.S. I am in the process of taking photos of all systems stations+planets and adding them to the pages for each system, when completed I will try to help with the GoF3D systems/planets.

Namj13 21:08, May 16, 2012 (UTC)


Do you have a Mac?

If so I have a code for the Mac App Store for the Battlefleet game ( as I was a beta tester, but I have already purchased a copy, would you like it?

Namj13 03:01, June 5, 2012 (UTC)


What are the other valkarie storyline? WolfSpirit42 Talk to me 11:29, June 6, 2012 (UTC)