User blog comment:Spectercollector/THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!/@comment-20201982-20131011211705

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Does anyone know if they're just ignoring legitimate problems with their game these days? I can't finish Supernova because the game crashes on loading Var Lupra for the second to last mission. When will they fix that? Unless they make a new game+ feature, so I can have everything I worked weeks to get using only sides missions since the money-making glitches don't really work on Android and the trade aspect is crippled to hell, they still need to fix that crash. That's assuming that my version of this game isn't doomed forever to crash and crash and crash like it does on that mission. I could tolerate all the crap with the ham-handedly modified bluprints and stuff if they didn't give me one more slap in the face like this. Nothing I try seems to stop it; it just happens every single time. I've copied the save files to my laptop and uninstalled and reinstalled the game on my Galaxy S3 twice before adding my save files back. It doesn't seem to help anything, though I can vouch for how well that method of backing up your save files works since everything else ran as normal.