User:Blue Fyre Guy

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This design makes me shiver, man

Hey there! I'm Blue Fyre Guy, and I am a real fan of GoF and GoF2. I mostly play the SD version of GoF2, since I didn't think I needed the HD, which I have recently installed.

I've been a fan of the Blue Fyre ship from GoF2 ever since I saw it the first time. Even though it's considered the worst of the Most Wanted ships, it is now and will always be my favorite ship in the entire GoF series.

I first started playing GoF2 when I was thirteen. I remember going on vacation, and asking myself: ''Are there any space shooters that are nice looking and fun to play? So if I recall this right, I opened up App Store on my trusty iPod 5th Generation and searched for something like ''space''. As simple as that. GoF2 (both SD and HD) showed up at the 1st and 2nd places respectively. I quickly checked the ratings, which by the way were overwhelmingly good, and looked through some pictures of the game.

It looked astonishingly good. I remember feeling the adrenaline kick from finding the perfect game to play over the summer, and I was convinced I had found the best game in the world. I downloaded the SD version, and got right into it.

At first, I thought that the main storyline with the Voids and all that sufficed. But as I grew more attached to the game, I started feeling the completionist in me rise from its shallow grave and work its way into my brain. I was obsessed!

Therefore, I bought Valkyrie and the Kaamo Space Station for a total of 52 Swedish Crowns (approximately six dollars at that time) and finished that expansion in less than 10 hours. I bought Supernova after making sure I had explored everything that Valkyrie had to offer, and jumped right into the Supernova expansion's seemingly endless arsenal of new ships, weapons and equipment.

After I obliterated Trunt Harval while in the cockpit of my trusty Dark Angel, I looked for more. I started chasing down all the Most Wanted criminals on each faction's list. That's when I first encountered the Blue Fyre, the ship that would soon after that be my most trusted vessel of all. It looked so amazingly sleek, with all the cool dark blue fire decals and emblems, and I realized: I gotta have this beautiful ship.

Motivated as I was, killing Urr Sakant was no big deal. I used my Khador Drive to go to Quineros and check out the ship. At first, I was a little angry as well as sad because they had made the glorious, beautiful Blue Fyre the worst of the Most Wanted ships. But then I came to the conclusion that I didn't care. Who needs turrets anyway? I went to Kaamo, sold some of my older ships and bought the Blue Fyre.

Oh boy, that was a great feeling! Seeing the ship's graceful movements as I fired my lasers at my enemies. To think that a ship so great looking could be so dangerous at the same time! Together, me and my Blue Fyre took down the last of the Most Wanted criminals. I stopped playing the game for a while after that. I have no idea why, but I did. Half a year later I went back to the cockpit of my Blue Fyre, purely because I knew I wouldn't find a better, more action-packed game elsewhere. I have now made sure to upgrade the ship to the fullest and use it almost all the time; flying a Bloodstar or a Specter doesn't give the same adrenaline kick and rushing excitement as piloting my trusty Blue Fyre.

I've recently gotten started with Galaxy on Fire 3: Manticore. It's a fantastic game with even more fabulous graphics than GOF2HD, which has stunning visuals. Also, even though the exploration elements of GOF2 were out of this world, I feel like the new exploration missions in Manticore is a great concept. The only thing I miss are the story elements we had in GOF2, with three storylines and fun missions.

About Me

  • I fly my own Blue Fyre.
  • I like sniping people from far away with my M6 A4 Raccoons.
  • Trunt Harval's skills are plain shit compared to me.
  • If  I were to re-design the Blue Fyre, I'd make it have an extra equipment slot. Then, I'd color it crimson red and black, as well as add more lines, emblems and other design details. Maybe an experimental look, kind of like the Ghost, would fit the bill? I'd also rename it to something more fitting, like Scarlet Fyre or Crimson Flame.
  • I am a true Galaxy on Fire 2 completionist, owning both the Specter and the Fireworks.
  • I am currently working on the Phoenix SIS.
  • My favorite type of weapons are Thermal Fusion.

My Favorite Pages

  • Blue Fyre
  • M6 A4 Raccoon
  • SunFire o50

Favorite Ships

In order:

  1. Blue Fyre
  2. Dark Angel
  3. Gryphon
  4. Ghost
  5. Groza
  6. Groza MK II
  7. N'Tirrk
  8. Anaan