Trent Jameson

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Trent Jameson
Trent jameson mw info card.png
Trent Jameson's Most Wanted Page
Gender Male
Race Terran
Faction Most Wanted

(Terran Federation, formerly)

Status Dead (if bounty collected)
Era Galaxy on Fire 2

In-Game Description

Like thousands of other traders in the galaxy, Trent Jameson has always been very eager to make a quick buck. However, soon after he got involved in a number of rather dubious weapons and narcotics dealings, he had to go into hiding in Vulpes system. In addition to his smugglings, Jameson is also wanted for a variety of traffic disturbances, which did give the Traffic Managers of dozens of space stations quite a headache. Rumor has it that Jameson used to hum along to an antique recording of "The Blue Danube" during his unorthodox docking maneuvres.


  • Trent Jameson is the 6th criminal on the Terran Most Wanted board.
  • His bounty is 120,000$
  • His surname is a reference to the pioneering 3D space trading and combat game Elite (by David Braben and Ian Bell). When in Elite a new character is made the default name is Commander Jameson.
  • The in game description further references Elite, for the game uses the 'Blue Danube' for the landing computer theme and the game was famous for its difficult landing procedure, which involved spinning with the space station to land safely.
  • He pilots a Phantom, and is the only character in GOF2 (other than Keith) to do so.