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Sorry for not reponding, I could't get how to send a message in the chatroom, really.

I am playing GOF2 HD on android, with a difficulty level of "Normal". I have purchased all the add-ons, whil I began trying out the different combinations of ships and weapons. 

I amcurrently piloting an Aegir . As I have said in my profile, I like Nivelian ships more. It is, though more expensive, far better than the bat-shaped Ward. More elegant, more secondaries, higher armor, higher manuverability, and higher cargo hold. 

I have around 2,000,000 right now, and is preparing for a Ghost

Mine ship choices:

Betty: Game Starts

Inflict: An infieror counterpart to Type 43, just for going in Augmenta and  Magnetar. Once reaching Nivelian territory with sufficient funds, get a Type 43.

Type 43: Before you could get Taipan, while you can cosplay Nivelian Securities and hunt down Midorians with the Nivelian signature weapon: Berger Retribution

Taipan: Before getting a Dace, while providing more raw firepower than any other ship within the proce limit. 

Dace: Raw fire power awaits! Taking down most ships in the base game with two or three shots. 

Velasco: Turreted, alowing you to engage in firefight withough considering about your six two much.  Designed for winning the base game. 8 slots gave it an edge. 

Aegir: Cheap, but deadly ultimate ship, the only weak point is the armor.

Ghost: A great ship designed for battle, the cargo hold is too small.

Kinzer RS: 4 primary, 4 secondary, and 15 equipment slots means it is a multiple-role, joint-strike fighter of all time. 

Bloodstar: Four primary slot, four secondary slot, one turret, and fourteen equipment slot is great, though actually 13 before midification because you will always hunger for a pulsed plasma thrust.

Weapon Choice:

Upon getting Type 43: Berger pulse weapons, esp. Berger Retribution or Berger Converge

Upon getting Dace: Berger Flak 9-9 / M6A2 "Couger"

Upon getting Velasco: Install Berger AGT 20mmas turret, winning the base game.

Upon getting Aegir: M6A4 "Raccoon"+ Nirai Over Charge -- something that literaly make short work of anyone crossed you. If using any turreted ships, get an HH-AT