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Following up on my last message, i don't really seem to figure out how to create new categories. So i'm just going to send you screens that you can use in the primary weapons section. 

First important thing to know, you can fit 2 primary weapons on your ship, and based on the graphics, there are 4 weapons on each ship. Meaning, if you select, for example the Nirai blaster, you'll fit 2 of these blasters. If you then fit a laser in the second slot, you'll fit 2 lasers. Meaning, the ship will always remain 'symmetrical' when it fires, so to speak. 

Secondly, every weapon has a 'tier 2' version, way more powerfull than the tier1 version. In my screenshot i'll give you all the tier2 versions. Descriptions for tier1 and 2 are the same, so it would be double to also post the tier1 versions. 

Last, most tier2 weapons i acquired by buying the ship/weapon combo packs with maan-thiq. In the storyline, there are some tier2 weapons available, but not all. I'm missing one screenshot since its beeing upgraded and it doesnt quite show the weapon (its the Nirai P-blast MR II), but other than that one these are all weapons currently in game.

Last but not least, all weapons, just as ships, are upgradable (5 levels), you can use credits and it has a timer. Most of mine are fully upgraded.

View attached screenshot for more information.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,



IMG 6605-2.png

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